Expectations & Discipline
Student Conduct

When a student is not in their assigned class when the tardy bell rings for class.

What is Tardy?


Desks, lockers, district-provided technology, and similar items are the property of the district and are provided for student use as a matter of convenience.

What is district property?


The Board permits the use of electronic devices by students during the school day in district buildings; on district property; on district buses and vehicles; and during the time students are under the supervision of the district under the guidelines established by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

What is MTSD electronic policy?


What students need to have in their possession when they leave a classroom during class time.

What is a BJH Eagle HALL PASS?


Areas around campus assigned to staff either before or after school to help maintain a safe and orderly campus.

What is a duty station?


Parent or doctor notes are dropped off here.

What is the basket outside the library?


These are used throughout the building and parking lot to maintain campus safety and security.

What are surveillance cameras?

Gives approval for electronic devices to be attached to the district’s wired or wireless network infrastructure.
What is TechMedia?
  1. Observe classroom conduct
  2. Be courteous
  3. Use no profane language

  4. No food or drinks (water only)

  5. Keep the bus clean

  6. Cooperate with the driver

  7. No smoking/vaping

  8. No damaging bus or equipment

  9. Stay in your seat

  10. Always face the front of the bus

  11. Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus

  12. No fighting, pushing, or shoving

  13. No tampering with bus equipment

  14. No pets or other animals on the bus

  15. No flammable materials on the bus

  16. Never use the emergency door except in an emergency

What are bus expectations?


This binder will house any information regarding safety procedures for the campus.

What is the EOP or Emergency Operations Plan?


You have 3 days to turn in one of these providing the child’s name, grade, date of absence(s), and reason for absence are included. 

What is a parent or doctor note?


Safety, Ownership, Accountability, and Respect 

What is S.O.A.R.?

Electronic devices, including cell phones, are permitted on “school grounds, at school-sponsored activities and on buses”. However, during school hours they must be turned off and kept in the locker. Electronic devices should not be used, seen, or heard in school from the time students enter school at the start of the day until dismissal.
What is the LRIS electronic policy?

This is entered into Skyward when a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct

What is a discipline referral?


This folder includes the following:

1. Copy of class rosters

2. Discipline referral process 

3. Copy of teacher's daily schedule

4. Emergency Lesson Plan

5. Staff Duty Assignment

6. Name and Room number of neighboring staff that can help in the event of a problem

7. SPED and 504 Accommodations

What is the substitute folder?


Religious holy days, required court appearances, appearing at a governmental office to obtain U.S. citizenship, taking part in a US naturalization oath ceremony, serving as an election clerk, health-care appointments for the student or a child of the student, including absences related to autism services, or absences resulting from a serious or life-threatening illness or related treatment that makes a student’s attendance infeasible, with certification by a physician.

What are legal excused absences?


These behaviors are to be handled by the classroom teacher or staff member witnessing such behaviors.

What are Level 1 behaviors?


This is to be used for administrative and instructional purposes ONLY!

What is the district's electronic communications system?


Positive discipline, responsive classroom, empowerment, or any non-punitive approach to discipline that aims to build community and prevent conflict.

What are restorative practices?


Daily announcements, intervention, extension activities, clubs and organizations typically meet during this time.

What is Eagle Period?


Absence for which parent sends written note or email message within 3 days following the absence.

What are parent notes?


Character, Honesty, Acceptance, Responsibility, Generosity, and Excellence

What is C.H.A.R.G.E.?


Where you submit technology work orders.

What is Incident IQ?


Students assigned here will not attend their regular classes, but are expected to complete their regular assignments at 100% credit.

What is ISS?


This requires online requests through Frontline must be made at least 24 hours in advance.

What are staff absence requests?