Subjects & Predicates
Combined Sentences
Sentence Types
Proofreading Marks
Compound Sentences

Rewrite the sentence below. Draw a line between the subject and the predicate.

Workers feed the pigs daily.

Workers / feed the pigs daily.

Rewrite the sentences. Draw a line between the subject and the predicate. Circle the sentence parts that are different.

Farmers grow corn.

Farmers feed it to their cows.

Farmers / (grow corn.)

Farmers / (feed it to their cows.)


Use the code to label the sentence and write the correct punctuation mark.

Some hens lay brown eggs

Dec. . 


What are the two proofreading marks that we have learned so far?

^ = (3 lines)


Write the 3 conjunctions we have learned so far.

and, but, or

Rewrite the sentence. Draw a line between the subject and the predicate.

Healthy pigs grow quickly.

Healthy pigs / grow quickly.


Rewrite the sentences below. Draw a line between the subject and the predicate. Circle the parts that are different.

Wind damages oats.

Rain damages oats.

(Wind) / damages oats.

(Rain) / damages oats.


Use the code to label the sentence and write the correct punctuation mark.

Can we go to the park after school today

Int. ?


Rewrite the sentence below. Use proofreading marks to show where a capital letter or punctuation mark is needed.

Some people enjoy eating alligator meat the tail is the best part.

Some people enjoy eating alligator meat. The tail is the best part.


When writing a compound sentence, does the comma come before or after the conjunction?



Write S is the group of words is a sentence. Write F is the groups of words is a fragment.

The loving father.


Write a combined sentence.

Luke feeds the horses.

Hannah feeds the horses.

Luke and Hannah feed the horses.


Use the code to label the sentence and write the correct punctuation mark.

I love this pumpkin pie

Exc. !


Rewrite the sentence below. Use proofreading marks to show where a capital letter or punctuation mark is needed.

Bison are large animals they are very strong.

Bison are large animals. They are very strong.


Use a comma and the conjunction and to combine the simple sentences into a compound sentence.

Clownfish are colorful.

They live in the ocean.

Clownfish are colorful, and they live in the ocean.


Write S if the group of words is a sentence. Write F is the group of words is a fragment.

His father forgave him.



Write a combined sentence.

Caden puts hay in the net. 

Caden gives them water.

Caden puts hay in the ned and gives them water.


Use the code to label the sentence and write the correct punctuation mark.

Wash your hands before dinner

Imp. .


Rewrite the sentence below. Use proofreading marks to show where a capital letter or punctuation mark is needed.

Some ranchers raise bison the bison are sold for meat.

Some ranchers raise bison. The bison are sold for meat.


Use a comma and the conjunction or to combine the simple sentences into a compound sentence.

Ducks will eat plants.

They will eat small animals.

Ducks will eat plants, or they will eat small animals.


Turn this fragment into a sentence.

Six hungry cows

Six hungry cows__________.


Write a combined sentence.

Mrs. Olson makes cookies.

Ella makes cookies.

Mrs. Olsen and Ella make cookies.


Pretend you are a teacher. Write an imperative sentence that you might say to your students.

Clear off your desks and line up for recess.


Write the run-on sentence as two sentences.

Alligators line in the water they are strong swimmers.

Alligators live in the water. They are strong swimmers.

Use a comma and the conjunction but to combine the simple sentences into a compound sentence.

Some ranchers raise elk.

Most ranchers raise cattle.

Some ranchers raise elk, but most ranchers raise cattle.