Where Does History Come From?
The Study of Ancient History
Creation, Fall, & Redemption
Geography & the Earliest Civilizations
Features of Cain's Civilization

The divine eyewitness to how humans began, and the creator of people and everything that exists

Who is God?


The three main sources that historians use

What are artifacts, tradition, and written records?


Adam and Eve's disobedience brought this into the world

What are sin, suffering, and death?


The people of this city tried to build a tower to reach the heavens, but God stopped their plan by causing people to speak different languages and be scattered abroad

What is Babel?


A form of government with one ruler (ex. king)

What is a monarchy?


The way a person sees and interprets the world and history

What is a worldview?


Historians evaluate historical sources for these three things

What are accuracy, worldview of the historian who interpreted the information, and importance of the information (relevance)?


The command given by God in Genesis 1:28 for people to fill, subdue, and have dominion over the earth

What is the Creation Mandate?


A son of Noah, whose descendants founded nations in the Far East, Africa, and along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea

Who is Ham?

True or False: The practice of forging metals did not occur until modern times.

What is false?


The period when people were supposed to have evolved (according to evolutionary scientists)

What is pre-history?


History can help us learn about the ____________ and ____________ of the people in the past

What are accomplishments and mistakes?


People are able to think, love, use language, know right and wrong, and enjoy relationships because they were created _______________.

What is in the image of God?


A son of Noah whose descendants formed nations along the Persian Gulf and in the Middle East

Who is Shem?


Job specializations that were needed to use copper and tin in pre-Flood and post-Flood eras

What are mining and forging metal into tools and instruments?


People were created directly by God how many years ago

What is 6000-7000 years ago?


History teaches us how to live in the present and the _____________?

What is the future?


Christ's act of rescuing and freeing people from sin

What is redemption?


A son of Noah whose descendants moved into what is now Turkey and eastern Europe

Who is Japheth?


People departed from a true belief in God because they ____________ against God and stopped worshipping Him.

What is rebelled?


The human author of the first five books of the Bible (including Genesis)

Who is Moses?


History gives us the opportunity to __________ _________ and show His mighty works through events and in the lives of people.

What is praise God?


This famous king strove for power and resisted God (Can you spell his name correctly?)

Who is King Nebuchadnezzar?


The sea surrounded by Europe, Asia, Asia Minor, the Near East, and Africa

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


An example of arts and sciences that arose in the pre-Flood and post-Flood eras

What is: 1) Playing instruments and making music 2) Using language to create poetry 3) Using technology to do jobs and build cities 4) using science to combine tin and copper to make bronze