english, spanish, french, german
What languages does Mr. Maurer speak?
"Schloß Glauchau"
Where did the geocaching begin?
03763 5295122
What is the telephone number of the "Dominos" delivery service?
Goal = 15 Pages; 3000-5000 words
What needs to be in the prompt for Chat GPT?
"Adidas Joggingsuit"
What was Mr. Bakst wearing while onlineschooling?
What did all students of BK-24 miss?
Strippers, JFK and Stalin
What was the example given for the Oxford comma?
burgundy red
What colour are Mr. Bakst´s glasses?
the width of two roman horses
What states Mr. Maeß to be the reason the Challenger Rocket exploded?
Richard Herzog
Whats the name of the 50th student?
"I quit"
What says Mr. Bakst after reading 50 essays written by ai?