What is one way to show a kindness in the classroom?
* include others
* show empathy
How can you stay safe on the playground?
* Use the equipment as intended
* Keep your hands and feet to yourself
* remain in assigned location
How can you act respectfully in the hallways?
* respect others learning
How can your take responsibility in the bathroom?
* Wash your hands
* Clean up after yourself
How can you take responsibility in the cafeteria?
* clean up your area
How can you act respectfully in the classroom?
* participate
* follow directions
How can you take responsibility on the playground?
* return borrowed equipment
*keep playground clean
* get a pass to go inside
How can you take responsibility while in the hallways?
*walk with purpose
*lead by example
How can you make safe choices in the bathroom?
* Keep your hands and feet to yourself
How can you make safe choices in the cafeteria?
* remain in assigned location
* eat your own food
How can you take responsibility in the classroom?
* respect materials and personal space
* take ownership of your actions
* take pride in your work
How can you act respectfully on the playground?
* Share and take turns
* Use appropriate language
* Follow directions
How can you make safe choices in the hallways?
* Keep your hands and feet to your self
* use walking feet
How can you be kind in the bathroom?
* show empathy
How can you show kindness in the cafeteria?
* help others if needed
* show empathy
How can you make safe choices in the classroom?
* keep your hands and feet to yourself
*remain in assigned location
How can you show kindness on the playground?
* Include others
*show empathy
How can you show kindness in the hallways?
* help others if needed
* show empathy
How can you act respectfully in the bathroom?
* respect privacy and personal space
* remain quiet
How can you act respectfully in the cafeteria?
* stay in your own bubble space
* follow directions
* use your manners