How did Henry Box Brown escape slavery?
He mailed himself in a box.
Long ago, some people had to use different schools, buses, and restaurants just because of their skin color.
This woman helped enslaved people escape to freedom using the Underground Railroad.
Harriet Tubman
In 1992 she became the first Black woman to travel to space.
Mae Jemison
Is Ruby Bridges still alive ?
Yes, she is 69 Years old
Enslaved people used this route to escape slavery.
The Underground Railroad
What is the famous march Marin Luther King led ?
This Black scientist found many new uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes, and other crops to help farmers.
George Washington Carver
Who started the Rainbow Coalition and fights for equal rights for all people?
Jesse Jackson
This man became the first Black baseball player in Major League Baseball in 1947.
Jackie Robinson
Many enslaved people had to work on large farms that grew crops like cotton and tobacco. What were these farms called?
Rosa Parks is famous for...
not giving up her bus seat to a White man
This famous African American scientist is known for making astronomy exciting and is the director of the Hayden Planetarium
Neil deGrasse Tyson
First Black Supreme Court judge
Thurgood Marshall
This man worked to end slavery and gave speeches to convince people that slavery was wrong. He also helped start the abolitionist newspaper The North Star.
Frederick Douglass
These people were not enslaved but risked their lives to help others escape to freedom. They did not believe in slavery and fought against it.
Martin Luther King Jr. gave this famous speech...
I Have a Dream
In 2008, this man became the first Black president of the United States.
Barack Obama
She was the first black girl to go to an all-white school in New Orleans.
Ruby Bridges
The Civil Rights Act ended...
Enslaved people escaping to the North often followed this bright object in the night sky.
The North Star
In 1954, the Supreme Court decided that all children should go to school together, ending segregation in schools. What was the Supreme Court case called?
Brown v. Board of Education
Name 3 public places that were segregated. Meaning Black and White people could not sit together
Schools, Restaurants, Buses, Hospital
She became the first female, African American, and Asian American Vice President of the United States in 2021.
Kamala Harris
These peaceful protests happened when people sat at a lunch counter to protest segregation and ask for equal rights.