Famous African Americans
Civil Rights Movement
Made In Detroit
Who is ranked as the second best-selling female artist of the 21st century with record sales of over 37 million dollars?
Who is Beyonce Knowles
Whose refusal to give up her seat on a public bus sparked a boycott of Montgomery, AL buses from 1955-1956?
Who is Rosa Parks
The first African American Major League Baseball player
Who is Jackie Robinson?
This Detroit native refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Alabama, which spurred a nation-wide effort to end segregation of public facilities.
Who is Rosa Parks
What Amendments was geared towards slavery?
What is 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
This amazing man is the self–proclaimed “greatest [boxer] of all time” was originally named after his father, who was named after the 19th century abolitionist and politician Cassius Marcellus Clay.
Who is Muhammad Ali
What was the name of the organization founded by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
What is The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP
He was the first boxer to win the world heavyweight championship three times.
Who is Muhammad Ali
This event lasted five days and left 43 dead and 467 injured; it is reputed to have deepened the divide between whites and blacks in Detroit
What is 1967 riots
The 14th Amendment?
What is Citizenship rights
Who became the first African American female millionaire with her revolutionary black hair products?
Who is Madame CJ Walker
Who was known as the Nation of Islam's most effective minister until he broke from the group in 1964 and formed his own group, the Organization of Afro-American Unity?
Who is Malcolm X
Who was the first African American golf champion to tour on the Professional Golf Association (PGA) circuit?
Who is Tiger Woods
Founded by Barry Gordy in 1959, this company became one of the most successful black-owned companies in the nation, and cultivated the careers of music greats such as Diana Ross and Michael Jackson.
What is Motown Records
The 15th Amendment?
What is voting rights
Which fourteen year old black boy was lynched for whistling at a white woman?
Who is Emmet Till
Who was the main leader of the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950's and 1960's, and won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize for leading nonviolent civil rights demonstrations?
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.
He knows both football and basketball. He is named All star in these two major sports
Who is Bo Jackson
He delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech first in Detroit, before taking it to Washington.
Who is Martin Luther King?
Name one clause under the 14th amendment?
What is Citizenship Clause, Privileges or Immunities Clause, Due Process Clause, and Equal Protection Clause.
Who made agricultural advancements and inventions pertaining to the use of peanuts and was one of the first African-Americans admitted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1990?
Who is George Washington Carver
Which racially motivated attack on a church caused the death of four girls in Alabama?
What is the Alabama Church Bombing
His participation in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, where he achieved international fame by winning four gold medals in track?
Who is Jesse Owens?
In 1974, he was elected as the first black mayor of Detroit.
Who is Coleman Young
The 13th Amendment?
What is abolished slavery