This Family Guy character has his own spinoff show
Who is Who is Cleveland Brown?
The first African American to play Major League Baseball.
Who is Jackie Robinson?
Gave the famous I Have a Dream Speech?
Who is MLK?
Lead more than 300 slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
This legendary basketball player wore the number 23 and won six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls.
Who is Michael Jordan?
Your friendly neighborhood African American Spider man
Who is Miles Morales?
The first African American woman to travel to space.
Who is Mae Jemison?
The 44th President of the United States of America.
Who is Barack Obama?
Former Vice President of the United States
Who is Kamala Harris?
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee"
Who is Muhammad Ali?
The main character from The Princess and the Frog.
Who is Princess Tiana?
The first African American athlete to win four gold medals in a single Olympics, defeating Hitler’s idea of Aryan supremacy.
Who is Jesse Owens?
This person is the all-time scoring leader in the NBA.
Who is Lebron James?
This African American woman sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Who is Rosa Parks?
This athlete won the Masters Tournament in 1997
Who is Tiger Woods?
The main character from The Proud Family.
Who is Penny Proud?
The first African American Supreme Court Justice.
Who is Thurgood Marshall?
Popularized peanut butter, and invented hundreds of uses for peanuts, soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes
Who is George Washington Carver?
This African American woman became a billionaire through her media empire.
Who is Oprah Winfrey?
The most decorated gymnast in history
Who is Simone Biles?
This superhero is recognized as the first Black superhero in American mainstream comics
Who is Black Panther?
The first African American to earn a doctorate and founded the NAACP
who is W.E.B Du Bois
This abolitionist and former enslaved man became a powerful speaker and wrote an autobiography about his life.
Who is Frederick Douglass?
This woman fought beside MLK for civil rights and later became his wife
Who is Coretta Scott king?
This African American tennis player became the first Black man to win a Grand Slam title, and the main stadium at the U.S. Open is named after him.
Who is Arthur Ashe?