The first Black Disney princess.
Who is Princess Tiana?
The first African-American President of the United States of America.
Who is Barack Obama?
True or False George Washington Carter popularized peanut butter, and invented hundreds of uses for peanuts, soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes.
What is true?
March is the month for celebrating black history.
What is false?
Correct answer is February
This black man gave the I Have a Dream Speech?
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?
In Doc McStuffins, main charachet Dottie "Doc" McStuffins has what power?
Speaking to toys and stuffed animals
Who was the first Black woman to go to space
Mae Jemison
Wilson Robinson the first African-American Major League Baseball player in the 20th century
What is false?
Correct Answer: Jackie Robinson
Maya Angelou was a famous Black American musician
False! She was a poet
Lead more than 300 slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
In Craig of the Creek how many siblings does Craig have? 100 Extra points for each you can name
2: younger sister Jessica and older brother Bernard
The first paramedics were a group of Black men trying to help their community in Pittsburgh _____ (state that boarders Ohio)
Wilt Chamberlain of the LA Lakers and the San Fransisco Warriors is the only Basketball player to ever score 100 points in a single game
What is True?
Carter G Wilson is the father of black history.
What is true?
Destiny's Child was a girl band with 3 women including this famous artist who just became the first Black woman to win the GRAMMY For Best Country Album
True or false: the voice of Garnet in Steven Universe is the musician Estelle
Serving from 1967 to 1991, this man was the first Black supreme court Justice.
Thurgood Marshall
Coretta Scott King is MLK's wife who fought beside him for civil rights.
Dorothy Vaughan, depicted in movie "Hidden Figures" was a manager at NASA who trained other Black women to program in FORTRAN
4 time Grammy winner Tracy Chapman is from what Ohio city?
Star of Disney's "Shake it Up" this Black actress has also starred in the movies Frenemies, Zapped, and 3 Spider-Man movies
True or False: Edward Alexander Bouchet, the first Black person to get a PhD in the US, studied at Harvard:
What is False?
He studied physics, chemistry, and mineralogy at Yale, not Harvard
Sidney Poitier was the first Black actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in Lilies of the Field in 2007
"Roll over Beethoven" is a song first performed by the Beatles
False! It was originally written and performed by Chuck Berry
Became the first black woman millionaire and invented hair care products for black women?
Who is Madame C.J. Walker?