Black History Month

Who started Black History Month?

A) Abraham Lincoln

B) Barack Obama

C) Carter J. Woodson

Carter G. Woodson
Was a scholar whose dedication to celebrating the historic contributions of Black people led to the establishment of Black History Month, marked every February since 1976.


Who is/was considered the King of Pop?

A) Michael Jackson

B) Prince

C) Stevie Wonder

Michael Jackson


Who was the first African American justice on the U.S. Supreme Court 

A) Clarence Thomas

B) Thurgood Marshall

C) Colin Powell

Thurgood Marshall -Was a civil rights lawyer who fought Jim Crow and dismantle segregation. He became the nation's first Black United States Supreme Court Justice on October 2, 1967.


Who was the star of Black Panther?

A) Chadwick Boseman

B) Denzel Washington

C) Samuel L. Jackson

 Chadwick Boseman


Who triggered a boycott of the Montgomery, Alabama, bus system in 1955 by refusing to give up their seat to a white passenger on a bus?

A) Martin Luther King, Jr.

B) Malcolm X

C) Rosa Parks


True or False: Whitney Houston sang The National Anthem at Super Bowl XXV?

A) True

B) False



What was the name of Martin Luther King Jr.'s most famous speech?

A) "I Have a Dream"

B) "The Million Man March"

C) "Make America Hate Again"


Who was the first African American Olympian to win the all-around title in gymnastics?

A) Gabby Douglas

B) Serena Williams

C) Simone Biles

 Gabby Douglas