This athlete played at UNC and for the Chicago Bulls.
Who is Michael Jordan?
This scientist developed more than 300 uses of a peanut.
Who is George Washington Carver?
The first African American doctor to practice medicine in Durham NC
Who is Dr. Aaron Moore?
The first African-American First Lady of the United States.
Who is First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama?
George Crum invented this to attempt to make customers happy after they were complaining that the fries were too thick.
What is a potato chip?
The first African American on the PGA Tour.
Who is Tiger Woods?
This scientist performed the first open-heart surgery.
Who is Dr. Daniel Hale Williams?
An advocate for gender and racial equality ordained as an Episcopal priest and the first black person to earn a JSD from Yale Law School.
Who is Dr. Pauli Murray?
The first African American doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention
Who is Patricia Bath?
Richard Drew invited this to help painters.
What is tape?
The all-time home run king.
Who is Hank Aaron?
The first African American to teach in the U.S. Naval Academy.
Who is Professor Samuel Massie Jr?
The founder of NC Mutual Life Insurance Company, the largest and oldest African American-owned life insurance company in 1889.
Who is John Merrick?
The first African American tennis player to win a Grand Slam tournament in 1956
Who is Althea Gibson?
JL Love invented this also known as a love sharpener.
What is a pencil sharpener?
This football player left the NFL to attend Harvard Medical School and become a neurosurgeon.
Who is Myron Rolle?
This scientist discovered particular chemicals that will make organisms emit light
Who is Emmett Chappelle?
This is the first African American to graduate from Watts School of Nursing.
Who is Eltonza McNair Brown?
A slave herself, she escaped and helped others in 1849 via the Underground Railroad.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
Garrett Morgan invented this to help rescue miners who were trapped underground.
What is a gas mask?
This athlete was born in the Caribbean and moved to Canada to play ice hockey
Who is PK Subban?
This scientist used math and programming to model the Earth and create the global positioning system (GPS)
Who is Gladys West?
The architect of Duke University Chapel began construction in 1930 and ended in 1932.
Who is Julian F. Abele?
A well-known poet who was celebrated on both sides of the Atlantic. She is most known for “An Elegiac Poem, on the Death of that Celebrated Divine, and Eminent Servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend and Learned George Whitefield.
Who is Phillis Wheatley?
Dr. Charles Drew had this idea and became the first director for the Red Cross.
What is a blood bank?