True or False: African Americans fought in every conflict in U.S. history.
Black History Month is celebrated in which month?
True or False: Baseball was segregated based on race until 1947
Who was the first African American President?
Barack Obama
Jackie Robinson was drafted into which branch of the military?
Who was responsible for starting the celebration of Black History Month?
Carter G. Woodson
Jim Brown played for which team in the NFL?
Cleveland Browns
What was the name of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech?
I Have A Dream...
Soldiers who participated in the Double V Campaign fought in which war?
World War II
True or False: Black History started as a month-long celebration
False: Originally, it only lasted one week in February
Where did Jackie Robinson play minor league baseball?
What does "segregation" mean?
Separating or keeping people apart because of their race
What was the job of the Tuskegee Airmen?
When was Black History Month officially recognized across the country?
Who was the first African American to break the color line and play for a white baseball team?
Jackie Robinson
What union did Jim Brown start in 1968?
Black Economic Union
What were the only black troops to fight in the Spanish-American War called?
Buffalo Soldiers
True or False: Black History Month is only celebrated in the United States
False: It's also celebrated in Canada, the United Kingdom, and many other countries
What job did Jim Brown get after retiring from football?
What year was the U.S. military desegregated?