The documentary, Good Trouble, is named after this esteemed Congressman who served Georgia's 5th district for over three decades.
Who was John Lewis?
Black History Month is celebrated in this month.
What is February?
This person was the first Black woman to headline Coachella?
Who is Beyoncé?
This baseball player was the first to break the color barrier in baseball.
Who was Jackie Robinson?
This woman was a key figure in the Underground Railroad.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
This singer is widely considered one of the most influential vocalists of the 20th century and is regarded as the "Queen of Gospel"
Who was Mahalia Jackson?
This president officially recognized Black History Month in 1976.
Who is Gerald Ford?
This film made Jordan Peele the first Black director to earn over $100 million in the box office with their debut movie.
What is Get Out?
This player has won the most NBA championships.
Who was Bill Russel?
This civil rights leader founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957.
Who was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?
It was in this year when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
What is 1963?
This university became the first to celebrate Black History in its month-long form in 1970.
What is Kent State University?
This rapper became the first solo hip-hop artist to be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Who was Tupac?
What is The Masters?
The first African American to run for president as a major party candidate.
Who was Shirley Chisolm.
The first African American to win the Nobel Peace Prize
Who was Ralph Bunche?
This person is known as the father Black History Month.
Who is Carter G. Wodson?
This actor was the first to win an Oscar for Best Actor.
Who was Sidney Poitier?
This person became the first Black tennis player to win a Grand Slam title in 1968.
Who was Arthur Ashe?
The founder of the Niagara Movements, which would become the NAACP.
Who was W.E.B. Du Bois?
This state was the first to elect a Black governor
What is Virginia?
Black History Month is also celebrated in the U.K. in this month.
What is October?
This album was the first by a Black person to win Album of the Year.
What is Innervisions?
This university's basketball team was the first HBCU to play in the NCAA tournament.
What is Tennessee State University?
The founder of the Black Panther Party.
Who was Huey P. Newton?