An African American male named Wallace Jr. made millions selling cookies and founded this popular cookie brand.
What is Famous Amos?
How many HBCUs are in the Atlanta area?
What are Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse, Spellman, and Morris Brown?
The first black president of South Africa?
Who is Nelson Mandela?
What movement began on social media to address police violence and systemic racism?
The first black woman to own a TV studio.
Who is Oprah Winfrey?
The inventor of peanut butter.
Who is George Washington Carver?
What popular event often features a parade, a football game, and reunions for alumni at HBCUs across the country.
This court case ended legal segregation in public schools
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
What clothing style, often associated with hip-hop culture, includes baggy pants and oversized shirts?
This movie told the story of African-American women and their role at NASA
What is Hidden Figures?
This black hair entrepreneur invented the hot comb.
Who is Madame CJ Walker?
What HBCU did Martin Luther King Jr. Graduate From?
Morehouse College
First African American to hold a seat on the Surpreme Court.
Who is Thurgood Marshall?
Who is the first billionaire rapper?
He started the "Back to Africa Movement" and was later deported back to his homeland in Jamaica.
Who is Marcus Garvey?
invented the gas mask and the 1st traffic signal
Who is Garrett Morgan?
How many all-women HBCUs are there?
Spelman College and Bennett College are the primary HBCUs that are exclusively women's institutions
What was the emancipation proclamation?
What is "In 1863, nearing the third year of the Civil War, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. In it, he declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the Confederate states "are, and henceforward shall be free." Ironically, it did not technically set free any slaves in northern states—Lincoln reportedly didn’t want to alienate any slave states that were still loyal to the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation also allowed Black soldiers to fight in the Union army. "
who was the first black woman to win best actress?
Halle Berry
Who's autobiography was titled " By Any Means Necessary? "
Who is Malcolm X?
What was the first Black-owned company to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange?
What is BET Black Entertainment Television?
Why were HBCU's created?
the majority of black people weren't allowed to go to other colleges unless special circumstances arose?
What were the Jim Crow Laws?
Made racial segregation (the separation of people based on race) legal. During this time, places like theaters, restaurants, waiting rooms, building entrances, and even cemeteries were segregated. Some businesses kept “Whites Only” signs posted outside. Black families couldn’t live in white neighborhoods, and Black kids couldn’t attend white schools.
What is the show Friends inspired by?
Living Single
The first Black writer to win a Nobel Peace Prize.
Who is Toni Morrison?