Robert Townsend Info
Townsend Vs. Cosby
Black History Month Info.
February 6, 1957 in Chicago,Illinois.
What is Robert Townsend's Birthday?
It came out in 1987. It is a stand-up comedian directed by Robert Townsend and it was starring Eddie Murphy.
What is Eddie Murphy Raw?
Robert Townsend attended Illinois State University. Bill Cosby attended Temple University.
What is the University that Bill Cosby and Robert Townsend attended?
Americans have recognized black history annually since 1926, first as "Negro History Week" and later as "Black History Month."
What is the beginning of Black History Month?
Hollywood Shuffle was Townsend's first film where he wrote the script, directed, produced and starred in.
What is Robert Townsend's first movie that he made?
Robert Townsend is an American actor, comedian, film director and writer.
What is Robert Townsend's careers?
Came out in 1993 and he was a super hero.Comedy Film Written, Directed and starred by Robert Townsend.
What is Meteor Man?
Bill Cosby voiced in Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. Robert Townsend did not voice any character in any show.
What is the thing that Bill Cosby did that Robert Townsend did not do?
We owe the celebration of Black History Month, and more importantly, the study of black history, to Dr. Carter G. Woodson.
What is the person we owe the celebration of Black History Month to?
He landed the role of a lifetime co-starring opposite Denzel Washington in "A Soldier's Story", and appeared with Diane Lane in "Streets of Fire" and Kevin Costner in "American Flyers".
What is Robert Townsend's role of a lifetime?
Ed Townsend and Shirley Townsend are his parents. Skye Townsend, Sierra Townsend, Grace Townsend, Isaiah Townsend are his children. Cheri Jones is his spouse
What is Robert Townsend's Family?
It is a 1991 musical drama film directed by Robert Townsend.
What is The Five Heartbeats?
Came out in 1993 he was a super hero and Bill Cosby was also in the movie.
What is Meteor Man?
Woodson chose the second week of February for Negro History Week because it marks the birthdays of two men who greatly influenced the black American population, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln
What is the reason that Dr. Carter G.Woodson chose the second week of February for Negro History Week?
The Five Heartbeats, Hollywood Shuffle, and The Meteor Man.
What is Robert Townsend's 3 most well known movies?
As a child Robert Townsend was always fascinated with television, watching and studying it tirelessly, he began to practice acting out scenes and impersonating famous characters.
What is Robert Townsend's fascination as a child?
This is about a boy who has no superpowers but his family does and he is called to save the world, It is a 2000 Disney Channel Original Movie. Directed by Robert Townsend.
What is Up Up and Away?
Bill Cosby is well-known. Bill Cosby is a American comedian, actor, author, television producer, educator, musician and activist.
What is Bill Cosby careers?
Woodson, always one to act on his ambitions, decided to take on the challenge of writing black Americans into the nation's history.
What is the thing that Woodson decided to do?
Robert Townsend receives and award at the 8th Annual Florida Entertainment Summit
What is Lifetime Achievement Award?
While busy as a performer and filmmaker, Robert always makes time to participate in charitable efforts and speak to various organizations. As a longtime speaker for the United Negro College Fund and the NAACP, his concern for inner city youth takes him through out the country to inspire young people to follow their dreams.
What is Robert Townsend's hobbies?
This TV show is an American sitcom that was aired on The WB airing from January 18, 1995 to July 25, 1999. The Series starred Robert Townsend and Suzzanne Douglas.
What is The Parent 'Hood?
Bill Cosby starred in 38 Movies/shows.
What is the number of Movies/Shows that Bill Cosby starred in?
He established the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (now called the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History) in 191
What is the thing that Dr. Carter G. Woodson establish?
The Five Heartbeats was his most popular movie.
What is Robert Townsend's best movie?