Middle School
High School
Middle or High School

Whose refusal to give up her seat on a public bus sparked a boycott of Montgomery, AL buses from 1955-1956?

Rosa Parks


Who was the first black woman to speak out publicly against slavery?

  • Maria Stewart
  • Francis Watkins Harper
  • Mary Mcleod Bethune
  • Sojourner Truth 

Sojourner Truth


This man was the first Black player selected to the United States Davis Cup team and the only Black man ever to win the singles title at Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Australian Open. What is his name?

Arthur Ashe


Who is the African American New York Times bestselling author who wrote Slam, Monsters, Malcolm X, and Fallen Angels.

Walter Dean Myers


What do the letters RAP stand for in rap music?

Rhythm and Poetry


This lady was a record breaker for her literature and women writers! She was a slave that learned to read and write from her masters, who encouraged her to write poetry.  Her work was praised by the British and Americans alike during the American Revolutionary War.  Who was the first African American female poet to publish a book in the United States?

Phillis Wheatley


Who founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama?

Booker T. Washington


What is the name of the current movement and social justice protest centered around the loss of lives as a result of police brutality and racially motivated violence against Black people?

Black Lives Matter


 Who was the first African American to serve as the United States Secretary of State?

Colin Powell


Who was the first Black American poet to be nationally recognized for his writing?

Paul Laurence Dunbar


This man was the first African American to earn a doctorate degree from Harvard. Which of these is the author who was famous for his collection of essays, "The Souls of Black Folk"?

W.E.B. DuBois


Who founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and was known as the '1st Lady of the Civil Rights Movement'?

  • Mary Church Terrell
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Fannie Lou Hamer 
  • Mary Mcleod Bethune

Fannie Lou Hamer


The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves during the Civil War. Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863?

President Abraham Lincoln


Who was the first African American to be portrayed on a U.S. postage stamp?

Booker T. Washington


Who was the first black singer to be admitted to the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York in 1955

Marian Anderson


What was the name of the organization founded by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

  • Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) 
  • Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)


Who was the first woman and first African American woman to read a poem at a presidential inauguration (former President Bill Clinton’s inauguration)?

  • Virginia Hamilton
  • Gwendolyn Brooks
  • Maya Angelou 
  • Zora Neale Hurston

Maya Angelou


The current Champaign Police is the second African American police chief in Champaign. What is his name?

Police Chief Anthony Cobb


Which author became the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize for literature?

Toni Morrison


 She was known as the “Queen of Gospel Music.” Her first recording “Move On Up a Little Higher” sold over a million copies in 1945. What is her name?

Mahalia Jackson


What was Malcolm X's birth name?

Malcolm Little


What magazine did John H. Johnson create in 1945?

  • Ebony 
  • Right On!
  • Jet
  • Essence



Who was Urbana School District #116’s first African American School Superintendent?

Dr. Preston L. Williams, Jr.


This man is the self-proclaimed “greatest boxer of all time.” He was originally named after his father, who was named after the 19th century abolitionist and politician Cassius Marcellus Clay.  What is his name?

Muhammad Ali


In the 1920s and early 1930s, this period in United States History was a burst of creativity within the African American community in the areas of art, music and literature within New York City’s Harlem.

The Harlem Renaissance 


Who was the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman


Who was the African-American woman that traveled to France to obtain a pilot’s license?

Bessie Coleman


What does the acronym HBCU stand for?

Historically Black Colleges and Universities


Who was the first black astronaut to walk in space?

Bernard Harris, Jr.


What is the name of the African-American History Museum in Chicago, Illinois that was founded by Dr. Margaret Burroughs?

The DuSable Museum


Whose autobiography is entitled "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"?

Maya Angelou


Charles Drew is responsible for which of the following?

a) Blood banks
b) Refrigerator
c) Plastic surgery
d) None of these

 Blood banks


The first successful heart open-heart surgery was performed in 1893 by a physician of African American descent. Who was he?

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams


What is the name of the black national anthem and who wrote it?

“Lift Every Voice and Sing” and James Weldon Johnson 


Who wrote the autobiography of Malcom X?

Alex Haley


Who won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin, Germany?

Jesse Owens


Who was the first African American Nobel Peace Prize winner?
a) Martin Luther King Jr.
b) Ralph Bunche
c) Nelson Mandela
d) Albert John Lutul

Ralph Bunche


Who was the first African American millionaire?

Madam C. J. Walker


Who is the first black man to host his own television show in 1956?

Nat King Cole


 How old was Langston Hughes when his poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” was published?



What former slave published the newspaper "The North Star"?

Frederick Douglass


Who was the first African American to serve as a U.S. Senator?
a) Carol Moseley Braun
b) Edward Brooke
c) Hiram Revels
d) Blanche K. Bruce

Hiram Revels


Who invented the traffic light?

Garrett Morgan


Who was the first Black woman to win the Wimbledon Title for Tennis in 1957?

Althea Gibson


Who became the first African American female billionaire in 2004?

Oprah Winfrey


Who delivered the speech, “I Have a Dream,” in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963?  

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


What is the name of the movie about three African American female mathematicians at NASA who helped fuel some of America’s greatest achievements in space?

Hidden Figures


Who is the Black man credited with officially breaking the major league color line in 1947?

Jackie Robinson


Who was born in Florence, Alabama in 1873 and is known as “Father of the Blues”?

WC Handy


This group of Black and White civil rights activists participated bus trips through the American South in 1961 to protest segregated bus terminals. They tried to use “whites-only” restrooms and lunch counters at bus stations in Alabama, South Carolina and other Southern states. This group drew international attention to the civil rights movement. What is this name of this group?

Freedom Riders


 Who was the first Black /African American president of the United States of America?

Barak Obama


What is name of the movie about the mythical country, Wakanda, ruled by Black men and women with supernatural powers?  

Black Panther


Who was the first African American female student, who at the tender age of 6 years old, integrated an elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana?

Ruby Bridges


In 1993, she became the first black to be honored with the Nobel Prize for Literature for six novels.

Toni Morrison


What was the name of the network of hiding places which helped enslaved people escape to freedom?

Underground Railroad