Hip Hop/ Music
Black Hair
General Black Knowledge
Wild Card

"ABC. Easy as 123. Or simple as DoReMi. ABC, 123. Baby, you and me, girl"

What is, ABC by the Jackson 5?


This term is used when dreads are freshly redone...

What is, a retwist?


this type of dessert is served on every holiday...

what is, sweet potato pie?


This book is about a young black women who can time travel back to her ancestors slave plantation...

What is, Kindred?


This man was the first African American to play in Major League Baseball...

Who is, Jackie Robinson?


"It was time to marry the game and I said 'Yeah, I do' If you want it you gotta see it with a clear-eyed view"

What is, Dreams and Nightmares by Meek Mill?


This product is used to keep ones edges laid and slicked down...

What is, gel/edge control?


This staple item is found in every black household and sometimes in Beyonce's bag.

What is, hot sauce?


This is arguably the best HBCU...

What is, Howard University...


After Michael Jordan left the Chicago Bulls, he played for this team...

What is, the Washington Wizards?


"A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly. And is also known as a busta. Always talking bout what he wants, and just sits on his broke a**"

What is, No Scrubs by TLC?


This is a popular protective style with added extension but only 2 braids...

What is, corn rows?


This strategy was used by children to convince their mom to let them have sleepovers...

What is, creating a dance routine to a song?


This holiday is celebrated to commemorate the freedom of American slaves...

What is, Juneteenth?


Who is apart of the so-called rap "Big Three"...

Who is, Drake, Kendrick, and J.Cole?


"It's drivin' me out of my mind. That's why it's hard for me to find. Can't get it out of my head. Miss her, Kiss her, Love her (wrong move, your dead)"

What is, Poison by Bell Div DeVoe?


This tool was used to straighten every black girls hair as a child...

What is, a hot comb?


This physical trait is common amongst many black fathers...

What is, a bald head?


How many fights did Will Smith get into before his mom got scared?

What is, one little fight?


A black mother would tell you to be inside at this time...

What is, before the street lights turned on?


"My love, do you ever dream of. Candy coated raindrops"

What is, Candy Rain by Soul for Real?


This woman was the first black female millionaire for creating the hair product that relaxed curly hair...

Who is, Madam CJ. Walker?


This is the most popular card game played amongst the black community...

What is, Spades?


This 90s movie follows the life of young Tre living in south LA surrounded by the neighborhoods booming gang culture. (HINT: Ice Cube played his neighbor and friend in this movie)

What is, Boyz n the Hood...


What is the response a black mother would give when you asked to stop at McDonalds on the way home?

What is, "do you got McDonald's money?"