Prior knowledge
Writing Centers

Are writing resources available at UMBC?

A. Yes

B. No

A. Yes


What stage of writing do you need to be at in order to get help from the writing center?

A. Any stage.

B. Must have rough draft.

C. Final draft complete (Only looking for a second opinion).

A. Any stage.


Which university is referenced in 'Black Linguistic Justice in the Writing Center'?

A. Clark University

B. Towson University

C. University of Maryland Baltimore County

C. University of Maryland Baltimore County


What is the first source referenced in the review?

A. Wonderful Faison

B. Audrey Lorde

C. Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison


A. Wonderful Faison


Who was the authors of the Manifesto mentioned?

A. Faison and Treviño

B. Morrison and Nanton

C. Baker Bell at el. 

B. Morrison and Nanton


Where is the Writing center located on campus?

A. The library

B. The commons

C. The Preforming Arts and Humanities building

A. The library


Where can you find a writing center?

A. At home

B. School

C. Church

B. School


Who mostly bears the emotional and psychological weight of oppression in the work center?

A. People of color

B. Whites

C. Asians

A. People of color


What importance did Talisha Haltiwanger Morrison and Talia Nanton have in the literature review?

A. They were authors of research article used in the literature review 

B. Their experiences and testimonies are used to make a point

C. They have no importance and not related to the review at all  

B. Their experiences and testimonies are used to make a point


What was the purpose of the Manifesto being written?

A. To express the frustration and anger amongst Black tutors, faculty, and staff in the writing centers.

B. To list demands that seek to fight against anti-Blackness and white supremacy in writing centers.

C. To enforce employers to bring cake every friday.

B. To list demands that seek to fight against anti-Blackness and white supremacy in writing centers.


What is alternating between two or more languages or varieties of language in conversation called?

A. Language supremacy.

B. Code-switching.

C. Bilingually fluent.

B. Code-switching.


What is a writing center? 

A. A place where you go to have fun with friends.

B. A place you go to draw creative designs with peers.

C. A place for collaboration in which writers and tutors work together to help writers achieve their goals. 

C. Places for collaboration in which writers and tutors work together to help writers achieve their goals.


What problem was identified in the writing center that inspired this paper?

A. Racism/Discrimination.

B. There was no problem.

C. Color blindness

A. Racism/Discrimination.


Match the year and author with the quote: “WC design reflect[s] the middle-class comforts of the dominant culture, it also dismisses the possible different cultural, racial, and ethnic middle-class comforts of POC, essentially rendering them invisible” 

A. Johnson et al. 2017

B. Elliot Marrow, 2020

C. Faison and Treviño, 2017

C. Faison and Treviño, 2017


 What made this manifesto unique in comparison to most manifesto?

A. It was written in fluid format that didn’t conform to the standards of standard/academic English.

B. It was written by Black tutors who work in writing centers.

C. None of the above/It was written like any other manifestos.

C. None of the above/It was written like any other manifestos.


 How is anti-Blackness enforced through language?

A. ‘Proper’ English is English typically spoken by those who are white and middle-class, therefore those who are not from that background are punished and look down upon for speaking English differently.
B. Black Tutors are isolated in their experiences as they have to avoid being seen as aggressive by their co-workers. They are forced to switch to ‘standard’ English to be seen as competent.
C. Anti-Blackness isn’t enforced through language  

A. ‘Proper’ English is English typically spoken by those who are white and middle-class, therefore those who are not from that background are punished and look down upon for speaking English differently.


How do you schedule and appointment for the writing center?

A. Call the school.

2. On the library's website.

3. Go to the common's front desk.

2. On the library's website.


How was Nanton being perceived within the writing center?

A. Aggressive

B. Calm

C. Happy

A. Aggressive


 Which one of Audre Lorde’s works is cited in the review? 

A. The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House

B. Sister Outsiders

C. The Cancer Journals

B. Sister Outsiders


What made this manifesto unique in comparison to most manifesto?

A. It was written in fluid format that didn’t conform to the standards of standard/academic English

B. It was written by Black tutors who work in writing centers

C. None of the above/It was written like any other manifestos

A. It was written in fluid format that didn’t conform to the standards of standard/academic English


 How has the stereotypes of Black women have negatively impacted Black women in academia?
A. Black women don’t experience any issues in academia because of outdated stereotypes.
B. Black women aren’t taken seriously and are constantly ignored if they don’t follow a specific ideal, their anger and experiences are dismissed, simply seen as irrational.  
C. Black women are viewed as aggressive and dangerous which instills fear.

B. Black women aren’t taken seriously and are constantly ignored if they don’t follow a specific ideal, their anger and experiences are dismissed, simply seen as irrational.  

C. Black women are viewed as aggressive and dangerous which instills fear.


Is the writing center the same thing as a writing tutor?

A. Yes

B. No

B. No


When was the paper written?

A. December 11, 2022

B. April 13, 2021

C. March 18, 2022

C. March 18, 2022


 Match the reference with paragraph: Where is the radical activist Assata Shakur mentioned in the review?

A. Page 10, Paragraph 13

B. Page 5, Paragraph 4

C. page 9, Paragraph 10

C. page 9, Paragraph 10


Matching: Choose which statement is part of the manifesto?

A. Both author’s acknowledgement of the unconventionality of manifestos in academic journals, as well as use of Black rhetorical devices, is echoed in Baker-Bell et al.’s very deliberate choice to write collectively to “[channel] the Black Radicals who came before us, both in our disciplines and in our communities!

B. Physical Anti-Black violence is also mirrored in the WC through linguistic expectations, hyper-vigilance surrounding Black students’ language use, and the penalization of “incorrect” rhetorical practices.

C. Political discussions and praxis center Black Language as teacher-researcher activism for classrooms and communities!

C. Political discussions and praxis center Black Language as teacher-researcher activism for classrooms and communities!