Hidden Figures
The Civil War
Jim Crow and Segregation
The World Wars
The Civil Rights Movement

Claudette Colvin was the first African-American to refuse to give up this - notably 9 months before Rosa Parks did 

What is a seat on the bus?


Abraham Lincoln did not authorize the Emancipation Proclamation until this year, because Lincoln feared that freeing slaves too quickly would make slavery more of a "war issue" and end his goal of bringing the United States back together

What is 1863?


The first introduction of the word "racism" in the Supreme Court was during the case Korematsu v. The United States which involved a lawsuit by a group of these Americans who were placed in internment camps during World War II

What are Japanese-Americans?


The USS Mason, a ship apart of this branch of the U.S. military, was the first to have a crew that contained a majority of Black sailors

What is the Navy?


This person was not only known for refusing to give up a seat on the bus, but also for being a private detective.

Who is Rosa Parks?

Hattie McDaniel was the first Black woman to win this award for her role as "Mammy" in Gone With The Wind.

What is an Academy Award (or an Oscar)?


This prominent Black leader did not support Abraham Lincoln in his re-election campaign in 1864 due to the fact that Lincoln refused to endorse the legislation that would allow Black men the right to vote

Who is Frederick Douglass?


The Supreme Court case Plessy vs. Ferguson established this legal standard that remained the standard for all forms of segregation in the United States, whether it be bathrooms, water fountains, or schools

What is "separate but equal?"


The "V" in the "Double V" campaign stood for this word- which many Black newspapers desired for themselves both over the Axis Powers in World War II and at home over discrimination and racism.

What is victory?


Bayard Rustin, a gay Black man who politically identified as a socialist, greatly influenced this civil rights leader

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


Katherine Johnson served as a mathematician for NASA and calculated the landing trajectories for Alan Shepard: the first American to do this

What is travel into space?


Harriet Tubman served in this role in Union camps in the South, not only assisting soldiers but also "contrabands" the name given to escaped slaves who sought help from the Union army

What is a nurse?


Despite the presence of segregation and Jim Crow laws, Olympian Jesse Owens won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin for the United States in this sport - notably with Adolf Hitler watching in the stands

What is track and field (or athletics)?


In 1915, the Supreme Court ruled in the court case Guinn vs. The United States that these clauses were illegal as they suppressed the Black vote

What are grandfather clauses?


Ella Baker criticized Martin Luther King Junior's involvement in the movement for not involving this two-word phrase: a popular idea among some civil rights leaders that involved more participation from every-day people

What is direct democracy?


Matthew Henson was a Black explorer and researcher who joined Matthew Peary's expedition and claimed to be the first person in the world to reach this place on Earth

What is the North Pole?


Black soldiers in the Civil War were not allowed to serve as officers until this year: the last year of the conflict

What is 1865?


The term "Jim Crow" originated from these types of shows - a form of theater that involved all-white casts that spread racist stereotypes about Black Americans and also where all of the actors presented themselves in "blackface"

What are minstrel shows?


This president desegregated the armed services in 1948, after World War II ended

Who is Harry Truman?


COINTELPRO was an investigative unit started by this organization to spy on Civil Rights leaders

What is the FBI?


Patricia Bath was the first ophthalmologist (or eye doctor) and was the first person to receive a patent for laser surgery to remove these blurry spots from eyes 

What are cataracts? 


This state, the first to secede from the Union, explained their secession by arguing that Northern abolition movements, as well as the refusal of Northerners to return runaway slaves, threatened their existence in the United States and forced them to leave

What is South Carolina?


This nickname, given to many cities in the Southern United States, defined that Black Americans should not be out at night or face potential harm from white supremacist organizations like the Klu Klux Klan

What are sundown towns?


The 370th Infantry Regiment was assigned to the French army once the United States became involved in World War I and were given this nickname by the Germans

Who were the Black Devils?


In 1964, the civil rights protest, known as Bloody Tuesday, occurred in this college town in Alabama 

What is Tuscaloosa?