You said: " Mom, why not?
What is Mom's response
*Hint- BISS
Because I said so
You get in trouble at school and you say you did it because your friend did it. How does mom reply?
If your friend jumps off a bridge are you gonna jump too?
When you randomly tell your mom you're going somewhere, What does she say..?
*Hint- ITRC
Is that room clean?
This kid your third time asking to do something or go somewhere and your mom says no. How does mom reply?
What part of no don't you understand?
The number one rule anytime you went out to play with your friends
Once you come in you stay in.
You argue with your sibling and your mom is getting upset and tells you both to stop. You say "Mom im not the one who started it, How does mom reply?
I don't care who started it
When you are acting up in public, Mom says...?
* Hint- WTWGH
Wait till we get home
When your making a stank face around your mom.
Fix your face before I fix it for you.
When your mom has family over and they are talking so you join the conversation, What does mom say...?
All in the koolaid and don’t know the flavor
When your getting a little loud talking to your mom she says...?
First of all check your tone
When you ask your Dad if you could go out with your friends, What does he say..?
*Hint- GAYM
Go ask your mom
When you get into it with your mom and she gets really upset, What does she say..?
I bough you into this world I can take you out.
When you ride past McDonalds on the way home and you ask your mom to get some, What does she say..?
*Hint- DYHMM
Do you have McDonalds money?
When your out in public and you see a family member you never met or your parents old friend, What do they say..?
Do you remember me?
When your looking for something in the house and you can't find it and your mom says- " IIGUAFIIBY"
If I go upstairs and find it imma beat you