
What happened first. Did Christopher swear to make his Master's killers pay or did he remember hitting Tom with a pomegranate from his catapult?

First was the swearing of justice and after that was the catapult incident.


What inferences can you make about Tom's Mom?

That she is caring and kind. She is willing to help Christopher despite having a large family and not being rich. She lets him stay with them and even gives Christopher some of Tom's old clothes.


Mr. Krabbs is a text-to-media connection for which character in the book?

Master Stubb

How will the apothecary guild decide what happens to Christopher?

He will having a hearing on Monday and will be able to plead his case then.


Where does Christopher hide the ledger page?

Behind his back and in the waistband of his pants.

What happened first. Did Christopher steal the page from the ledger or did Lord Ashcombe question Master Benedict's loyalty to the Church of England ? 

1. Lord Ashcombe questioning Master Benedict's loyalty to the church.

2. Christopher steals the page


What shows that Christopher is loyal to Master Benedict?

He steals the ledger page and lies about it to Lord Ashcombe despite the trouble he could get in for doing it.


Make a connection to the questioning scene from the book between Lord Ashcombe and Christopher.

Responses will vary but can be a text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world connection

What did Lord Ashcombe do after his exile ended?

He spearheaded the removal of the Puritans from positions of power. 


Why does Christopher use to clean up a spill that fascinates Master Benedict? Where did he learn this?

Sawdust and from the orphanage.

What happens first? Christopher finds Master Benedict's body in the shop or Christopher finds Mad Apple spilled on the floor of the workshop?

1. Christopher finds the Mad Apple

2. Christopher finds Master Benedict's body.


What does Master Stubb showing up at Blackthorn on the day of Master Benedict's death tell us about him?

He is disrespectful and didn't like Master Benedict because he arrived when the body was still there and began demanding the rights to the shop and all of its contents. This also shows his greed and that he values money above all else.



Make a connection to Christopher stealing and hiding the ledger page from Lord Ashcombe.

Responses will vary. Answers can be text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world.

How does Tom's Mom convince Tom's Dad to let Christopher stay with them?

By telling him that they have space for one more and that it is the good Christian thing to do.


How does Christopher reveal the hidden code on the ledger page?

He uses a candle to heat the secret message written in lemon juice.


What comes first? Stubb thinks Christopher is trying to steal the cube he was given for his birthday or Stubb tells the other apothecary masters that Christopher assaulted him.

1. Stubb tells the other apothecary masters that Christopher assaulted him.

2. Stubb thinks Christopher is trying to steal the cube he was given for his birthday


What does Lord Ashcombe's questioning of Christopher tell us about him as a person?

Most of his questions are about religion which tells us that he values religion. Also, his dislike of Master Oswyn because Master Oswyn is a Puritan further supports this. So does his questioning when he sees the different religious books that Master Benedict owns.


Make a connection to Christopher and Master Benedict writing in code.

Responses will vary. Answers can be text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world.


What does Nemini Dixeris mean and what language is it?

Tell no one and Latin


What event caused Master Benedict to hit Christopher? THE EVENT AS IT HAPPENED WITHOUT MAKING SPECULATIONS

Master Benedict hit Christopher because he severed Baron Cobley's maidservant in the shop that morning and Master Benedict told him not to do that until the Baron had paid his bill.

Christopher has no memory of being told this.