Where did Blake go after school as a kid?
Pizza Pizazz
What city was Kayla born in?
What sport did Blake and Kayla play together at WSU?
Intramural Soccer
Where did Blake and Kayla go to High School?
What is the couples regular place to walk the dog?
Decoursey park
Blakes favorite video game growing up was what?
SSX Tricky
What did Kayla want to be when she grew up?
What hobbies does the couple enjoy separately?
Blake- guitar, videogames
Kayla- horseback riding, shopping
Where do Blake and Kayla work/study now?
Blake- on base for MWR in the accounting dept.
Kayla- part time at FATCO and part time studying for a realtors license
What is the couples favorite holiday?
What was Blakes first car?
What was Kaylas favorite animal at the age of 9?
What is the couples favorite movies to see together?
What are their dream jobs?
Open their own businesses
What cities have the couple lived in while dating (together and separate)?
Bellingham, Orlando, Pullman, Puyallup
What states/Countries has Blake traveled to without Kayla?
Bahamas, Oregon and California
What age did Kayla start playing soccer?
What is the couples favorite activity to do together?
Blake and Kayla both took a term off from college, when and why?
Kayla- Spring 2016 for the DCP
Blake-Fall 2018 so he could work and save money for school and graduate in the spring with Kayla
What event does the couple host/participate in on a weekly basis?
Game Night
What sport teams did Blake participate in growing up?
Track & Field
What is something Kayla controls every year around Christmas time?
The Tree
What is the couples favorite adult beverage?
Where did Blake and Kayla attend College?
WWU, Pierce and WSU
What time does Blake wake up for work?