Social Changes
Emotional Changes
Physical Changes
Coping Strategies
Health Tips

What changes in a friendship during puberty?

Friendships change because emotions and interests shift, and you may be more interested in other activities or shows or games etc. This allows a change of friendship because your friend may not be interested in that sought of stuff.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


How does our mood swing so fast?

Hormonal changes during adolescence partially effect a teenager, although identity can also affect mood swings. The mental part of a teenager develops over time, contributing from different emotions to another.


What causes testosterone?        

During puberty, testosterone increases due to testes. Testosterone is caused by the maturation of organs, and effects facial hair and voice deepening, as well as muscle growth.


What’s a strategy to help focus?

A tip to enhance emotional intelligence is to active listening skills, try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and become independent to limit yourself from relying on people when your feeling sad or angry. You can overcome come emotions by focusing on being calm, and overall attitude change may play part in building emotional confidence.


The emotional demands that occur during the teenage years may be stressful for your child.

The physical changes they undergo during puberty can also be overwhelming or scary. Stress can significantly impact how their brain develops. It's important to support your teen during this time, by:

helping them to understand the effects of puberty on their bodies and emotions

communicating with them openly, and with curiosity

encouraging positive behaviour


True or false- During puberty do you feel more interested in romance?



Why do men get nervous around women in adolescence?

Men get nervous around other women because when their sexual maturation comes in, boys are more interested in romance and tend to appeal to girls more frequently.


How does body odour form?

Body odour develops from the bacteria and sweat mix and causes a stench, although other factors such as unwashed clothes can contribute to the additional odour.


What’s a physical strategy to overcome breast development?

If you are currently in a physical change, just accept that changes can happen, and its completely fine. For example, if your breasts are developing, you could let your parents- carers know about the issue, and just let the process start. There’s nothing wrong with puberty physical changes.


Your teen's environment 

Introduce and encourage your child to take part in a range of activities and positive experiences — both inside and outside of school. This helps to support their development.


Your child will need more sleep during their teenage years as they grow.

However, their sleep patterns may also change. This is because their body begins making the sleep hormone, melatonin, later in the day. Your teen may:

not feel tired until later in the evening

find waking up early more difficult than before

You can help your teenager get enough sleep by encouraging them to develop a regular sleep schedule.


How does puberty make you compare yourself to others?

Puberty makes you compare yourself to others because the mix of emotions and change contributes to your mentality and not believing in yourself. This then leads to you to compare yourself to others


What makes teenagers feel insecure about their self’s?

The changing emotions can really impact a teenager’s life, causing insecurity to forge. For example, when a male gets rejected, they act sad, or when they’re hair looks ugly, they hate their self’s.


Why does a male’s voice deepen during puberty?

A male’s voice deepens due to the formation of an Adams apple, and the larynx thickens. This results in the voice deepening.


What is a strategy to overcome comparing of yourself in puberty?  

   Most teenagers need constant support from people because their emotions change and it’s a different time period for them. During puberty it differs from childhood, so its nice to have support from people like your parents for it calms and contributes to a happy mindset.


Eating well

As your teen grows during puberty, they may feel hungry more often. The emotional changes that come with puberty and your child's body image can also impact their eating habits. Nourishment and healthy eating are important for their brain development.


   How does puberty enable you to figure out who you are?

Puberty is a rapid growth, in which the body reaches reproductive maturity. It is a time of brain development and as you mature you start to figure yourself out.


Why do our emotions control us, and we don’t control it?

By their very nature, emotions make us feel – but they also make us act. This is due to changes in our autonomic nervous system and associated hormones in the endocrine system that anticipate and support emotion-related behaviours. For example, adrenaline is released in a fearful situation to help us run away from danger.


How do teenagers cope with anxiety in public?

Teenagers manage anxiety by bring confident with themselves, however these fears are normal for teenagers in this stage. Deep breathing can trigger calmness and can help reduce anxiety.


What is a strategy to help clear acne?

To clear acne, healthcare professionals suggest good hygiene, washing ace daily, un-acne products, and sleep well. Each one of these strategies influences if you have acne or not, and also, people really don’t care if you have acne or not; it’s a sign of adolescence.


Support from parents

Support from parent during puberty can influence their mentality, without support, a teenager may feel depressed or feel let out. Support is important to help with stress.


How do teenagers get anxious around other people?

Teenagers become anxious or nervous around other people because their mindset is fixed on what other people think of themselves. For example, when you have a bad haircut, anxiety kicks in when you have to show people it and are nervous about their opinions.


When do teenagers become independent and why?

Teenagers become independent usually when their around 13 years of age because the sexual organs become fully functional and our adolescence develops advanced sense, forging our new identities. This has an effect on who we are and our personalities.


When does body hair form in boys through adolescence?

Thich, curly hair grows and is part of adolescence. It starts to grow when your body develops in that state.


 What’s some strategies to overcome periods?

To reduce period cramps and chance of a period, try to reduce sugar intake. Sugar intake affects you by reducing insulin resistance which can lead to more period problems and hormonal changes.

Many women experience more frequent period due to stress. Stress has a direct impact upon the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis (HPO), which can lead to menstrual irregularities.


Avoid fixating on appearance

Focusing more on appearance then your mental state is negatively impacting your mindset; you're thinking of what other people are thinking about you looks. This is why focusing on your looks is bad, and if you don't, your overall more confident with your endeavours.