Presentation Recap
Relation to Lecture + Textbook

The ability to produce an abundance of offspring.

What is Fecundity?


A group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same area. The same species defined by a spatial boundary which experiences continuous change via births, deaths, and movement of individuals.

What is population?


As the adult survival decreases, natural selection favors ____ maturation

What is "earlier"?


What is the method used to estimate Blanding turtle's abundance?

What is Mark-Recapture methods?


What is the primary cause of species extinction?

Habitat destruction caused by human activities. 


What was the point of using a life table in this research?

Life tables provide a schedule of age-specific mortality and survival. In this article, they specifically used a time-specific life table because they are sampling a population to obtain distribution of age classes during a single time period.


Why were the life history traits that co-evolved long-lived organisms hindering their survival rates in the article?

the life-history traits that co-evolve in long-lived organisms such as Blanding’s turtles (nest survivorship, fecundity, juvenile survivorship, adult survivorship), limit their ability to respond to chronic increases in mortality of neonates, juveniles, or adults. Conservation efforts must consider these limitations to successfully address and mitigate conservation concerns


What is one of the two hypotheses used to explain life history patterns?

1.  The fast-slow continuum hypothesis

2. r- and K-selection


What factors should be taken into account for conservation programs of long-lived organisms?


fecundity, nest survival, adult survival, integrated nature of life histories, limitation of longevity evolution