Heart throbs
Childhood phrases
80's Misc
Movie Lines
This dark-haired teenage hunk was the desire of everyone who walked the halls of Bayside High. 
Who is A.C. Slater aka Mario Lopez? 
Though it was fun to get one of these from the quarter machine, this chewy treat was also as a means to choose someone for a game, though it needed to be served in a dish.
What is bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish?
These were more of a fashion statement rather than used to keep calves a more desirable temperature like their name implies.
What are leg warmers?
The windy city is home to many things, but is also the name of this popular 80's band. 
What is Chicago?
"You're killing me, Smalls!" 
What is "Sandlot"?
This brave fighting dreamboat made everyone want to wax on and off something, anything...


Who is Daniel Larusso aka Ralph Machio?
This childhood game involved the desire to acquire a water fowl with unique characteristics. 
What is "Do You Wanna Buy a Duck?"
A fruit name, but also a hair accessory. 
What is a banana clip?
This 80's singer shared the same name as one of our siblings. 
Who is Tiffany? 
"As you wish."
What is "The Princess Bride"?
Buffalo Bill Cody's jacket never looked so good then when worn by this dreamboat.  
Who is Al Carver from "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken". 

A birthday rhyme involving the whacking of the head with the gift for the person celebrating their birthday. 

What is "Heavy, heavy hang-over thy poor head, what do you wish with a bump on your head"? 
Grown among vegetables and ready to be adopted.
What is a Cabbage Patch?
Dad would often get lost on vacations growing up, but this 80's singer would get lost in people's eyes...
Who is Debbie Gibson?

"You'll have your looks! Your pretty face! And don 't underestimate the importance of body language!"

What is "The Little Mermaid"?
This handsome actor didn't go on an LDS Mission, but it was Impossible not to find him dreamy growing up. 
Who is Tom Cruise?
This game involved the reflection of father figures killing large predatory animals.
What is no bears are out tonight, daddy shot them all last night? 
Turtles coined this 80's word. 
What is Cowabunga!
The commodity referred to in the lyrics "There's a commodity that's everyone's got.  Because of that, we help each other out a lot."

What is talents? 
"There are no cats in America!"
What is "American Tale"? 
This person learned the hard way that a mere vegetable name could cause years of heartache. 
Who is Gilbert Blythe?
This game involves the slapping of hands while sitting in a circle, and chanting about amphibians, and pocket kleenexes. 
What is "Down by the banks of the hanky panky where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky with a killiwhop kerplop"?
A heart on their bum was a feature of these animals with magical tummy powers. 
What is Care Bears? 
After she seeing her sitting all alone in a white and sterile nursing home, this songwriter reminds us to take care of the least of these. 
Who is Janice Kapp Perry? 

"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think."

What is "Anne of Green Gables"?