When the assessment measures the knowledge or skills it is supposed to measure, the assessment is...
"The knowledge, skills, and background experiences that each individual student brings to the classroom"
True or False: WIDA is the only assessment we should use to assess students' language proficiency.
What does the "S" stand for in SMART?
True or False: Most ELL students were born in the United States.
When an assessment is consistent across time and location, it is considered...
speaking, listening, reading, & writing
What does the "A" stand for in SMART?
A common way to assess writing is by using a...
When test items require cultural knowledge that not all students in the classroom may have, that test is considered...
True or False: Preassessment aims to capture the students' education and language history.
True or False: WIDA's Can Do Descriptors describe what learners can do with language across different content areas.
Sam is currently reading 42 words per minute at 93% accuracy. In two months, Sam will read 46+ wpm at 95% accuracy. Is this SMART goal realistic?
These standards guide our assessments in math, reading, and writing in Washington State.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Define "equitable"
When students are provided with the resources they need to succeed.
Student interviews, home visits, pre-tests, student questionnaires, KWL charts, class discussions, etc.
Name one Language Proficiency Level according to WIDA.
Entering, Beginning, Developing, Expanding, Bridging, Reaching
What is one common mistake teachers make when creating SMART goals?
Not specific enough, not realistic (too big), too many goals at once, etc.
Name one way to assess reading.
Running record, reading inventory, story retell, cloze tests, sight word assessment, STAR, DIBELS, etc.
Why is equitable assessment important?
Various Responses
Why is preassessment important?
Name one way that the WIDA ACCESS Test results impact students.
Determines eligibility to exit ELL services.
Why do we have SMART goals?
So that we have a specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-oriented plan for supporting our students' growth.
“A protocol of actions in which schools use data to identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress and provide evidence-based interventions to adjust the nature and intensity of supports.”
Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multi-Tiered Support Systems (MTSS)