Pump It Hard
Weak and Fast
Wound Fixer
Bloody Mary
Pick Your Poison

Materials that are transported in the circulatory system

What is oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and waste? 


7 areas where the pulse can be felt and the most common area for checking the pulse in an unconscious patient

What is Brachial, carotid, femoral, dorsal pedal, popliteal, radial and temporal arteries? 

Carotid for unconscious patients


First step upon arriving on scene of a medical emergency.

What is scene safety, BSI, locate patient? 


One characteristic and example of capillary bleeding.

What is bleeding is slowed; oozing out; abrasions; minor cuts?


Shock that results from a change in size of the vascular space without an increase in blood volume.

What is Neurogenic Shock?


The pathway of blood through the heart

Blood travels from the RA to RV through the Pulmonary vein to the LA to the LV through the Aorta out to the body.


Position will help with redistributing fluid volume in hypovolemic shock?

What is Modified Trendelenburg?


Initial care for an arterial blood.

What is direct pressure or tourniquet?


Most serious type of bleeding.

What is arterial bleeding?


Shock that results from the heart's inability to adequately circulate blood (intravascular) volume.

What is Cardiogenic?


Explain the coronary arteries

What is the hearts own arteries that bring oxygen to the heart?


Normal systolic blood pressure.



3 of the 5 signs of infection upon treating a patient.

What are redness, swelling, increased pain, oozing puss and increased body temperature?


2 characteristics  and color of venous bleeding.

What is bright red; spurts in rhythm of the heartbeat?


Shock that results from hypotension, tachycardia, altered mental status, metabolic acidosis.

What is Hypovolemic Shock?


Explain the pulmonary arteries

What is the artery that connects the heart to the lungs?


Diastolic blood pressure relates to ventrical doing what?

What is relaxing?


What initial action can help promote oxygenation to the heart muscle?

What is administering oxygen?


The average amount of blood (in pints) an adult male has. 

The amount of blood ( in %) humans that the body will not tolerate.

What is 8-12 pints of blood?

What is 20%? (40% is critical and will cause death very soon if fluids are not replaced)


Shock caused by the physical impediment to the flow of blood.

What is Obstructive Shock? Also will take Cardiogenic Shock

Obstructive shock is a form of shock associated with physical obstruction of the vessels or the heart itself.

**Pulmonary embolism and cardiac tamponade are considered forms of obstructive shock. 


Four valves of the heart with locations

What is... 

1. bicuspid (or mitral) valve between the left atrium and left ventricle 

2. tricuspid valve between the right atrium and right ventricle 

3. pulmonary valve between right ventricle and pulmonary artery 

4. aortic valve between left ventricle and aorta


What are two causes of hypovolemic shock?

Bleeding, dehydration, fluid shift (ex: ascites)


Monitors the body’s needs

Adjusts blood flow and vascular tone

Automatically redirects blood away from other organs to the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys in an emergency

What is the Autonomic Nervous System?


Procedures for treating shock

What is maintain clear airway; control bleeding; splint and elevate extremeties (6-12 inches); avoid movement; no food or drink; record vital signs every 5 minutes?


List 5 types of shock and an example of each

What is...

Septic shock - overwhelming infection

Hypovolemia - hemorhage, dehydration, vomiting, leaking aneurism, ectopic pregnancy

Respiratory - hypoxia, tension pneumothorax, massive pulmonary embolus

Ingestion – toxic substance, OD

Metabolic – diabetic ketoacidosis, electrolyte abnormalities

Psychiatric causes

Cardiogenic shock – acute MI, cardiac tamponade, dysrhythmias, severe cardiac failure

Anaphylactic shock – insect sting, bite, food allergy

Neurogenic – spinal shock, herniation syndromes, intracranial bleed