General knowledge
Se habla español

It is the result from "blending" a lion and a tiger.

It belongs to the 1st type of blending.

What is a liger?


It is how Media named the relationship between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

What is Brangelina?


It is what we use it to access to Social Media or Deep Web. It is the result from blending international and network.

What is Internet?


It is the result from blending cybernetic and organism.

It belongs to the 2nd type of Blending.

What is cyborg?


Es la forma en que los optimistas y locutores de radio llaman al jueves para que se sienta viernes.

¿Qué es juernes?


It is the process of exit of Britain from the European Union. 

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending

What is Brexit?


It is a film industry similar to Hollywood but, produced in Bombay.

What is Bollywood?


It is an icon used for expressing emotions.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending

What is an emoticon?


It is the way how medics call a desease from blending diabetes and obesity.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending

What is diabesity?


Según la RAE: Persona que mantiene con otra una relación de menor compromiso formal que un noviazgo.

Pertenece al primer tipo de Blending

¿Qué es un amigovio?


A genre of filming and television in which fictitious events are presented in a documentary-style manner. It is the result from "blending" mock and documentary. 

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending.

What is mockumentary?


Animated series of Fox Channel, from the creator of The Simpsons. It is the result from blending future and panorama.

What is Futurama?


It is a kind of computing virus. It is the result from blending malicious and software.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending.

What is Malware?


It is the result from blending biology and electronics.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending

What is bionics?


Es la red o tela que tejen las arañas.

Pertenece al 3er tipo de Blending

¿Qué es telaraña?


It is what Muslim girls wear at beach. It is the result from blending burka and bikini. 

what is burkini?


The Big Bang Theory is an example of this. It is the result from blending Situational and Comedy.

It belongs to the 2nd type of Blending.

What is sitcom?


It is an illegal activity developed for hackers such as Anonymous. It is the result from blending hacking and activism.

What is hacktivism?


It is the result from blending gene and chromosome.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending

What is genome?


Variación del idioma hablada en la frontera entre Colombia y Brasil, sobretodo del lado brasileño, con características del portugués y el español.

Pertenece al 1er tipo de Blending.

¿Qué es portuñol?


It is a sport contest cellebrated parallel to Olympic Games but, only people with disabilities can compete. It is the result from "blending" Paraplegic and Olympics.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending

What is Paralympics?


TV Series original from Japan. It is the result from blending Pocket and Monsters. 

It belongs to the 2nd type of Blending.

What is Pokemon?


It is the result from blending binary and digit.

It belongs to the 1st type of Blending.

What is bit?


It is the result from blending vita and amine.

What is vitamin?


Según la RAE se usa para referirse al periodo inicial del otoño en el que aún se mantienen temperaturas propias del verano. 

Pertenece al 1er tipo de Blending.

¿Qué es veroño?