This is the spot for the family reunions
What is Heritage Park
This game tile gave birth to an iconic family ornament
What is Scrabble
This is the amount of rolls normally made for a blevins family gathering
What is a double batch (32 rolls)
At this fast food chain Benjamin deliriously kept repeating "I want a lettuce wrap, I want ____"
What is What-a-burger
PawPaw has been a lot of places these colleges are on the list.
What is Guilford, U of Colorado at Boulder, and not UVA
This persons dress was always made the last
Who is Sarah
This person was the recipient of the first Picture cube
Who is Dia
B came to surprise Emma and Jack at lunch in elementary school with this desert featuring Crisco
What is Eskimo Icecream
This bird's night call was a cause for concern for Theodore
What is a Whippoorwill
These teams got the title of Obi's favorite and least favorite mens NCAA team
What is Duke and Kentucky
This style of dinner was a new development in the world of Blevins weddings started by Brenna
What is potluck or gifts of soup
Emma was given this one year from Obi after an oversight in the parking lot with her car
What is a Gas can
This bird was said to produce the green mulk that Clara had as a kid
What is the Kiwi bird
This is the month with the most cousin birthdays
What is November
These two names are used by PawPaw when he can not remember their names
What is Linda and Henry
This gathering was the last to see the attendance of all 7 of the siblings
What is Emma's graduation party
This gift was given to multiple people by Annie one year
What is a Dutch Oven
What chain was Lurkey designated to take the Alaska crew to?
What is Dairy Queen
This sport, not popular among the original 7, has been played by almost all of the grandkids
What is soccer
This wresting move is put on people when PawPaw first meets them
What is an Arm Drag
This person, who still works with Mike, was a DJ at their wedding
Who is Dave Rabe
The infamous drawing of names was first started in this year
(2 year window)
What is 2000~
This non-beef option is a favorite of Obi and PawPaw when in stick form
What is Deer
The recording from Emma to Obi and PawPaw in the small picture frame said this
What is "I love you... Obi... PawPaw"
This wild game, commonly mistaken for deer, is Obi's least favorite
What is Antelope