Paper Structure
Paper Requirements
Administrative Details

How many sections are *required* for this paper?

What is 5?


What format should your writing be in? (spacing, font, size)

What is double spaced, times new roman 12pt font?


What is thin slicing?

What is “the ability of our unconscious to (quickly) find patterns in situations and behavior based on very narrow slices of experience"(Gladwell, 2005, p. 23)?


When is this paper due?

When is October 20th, 2024?

Sections 2 ask that you discuss...

Who are best at thin slicing?


How long should this paper be?

What is 4 to 7 pages?


Who is best able to accurately thin slice?

Who are those good at pattern recognition and experts in the area being thin-sliced?

How many points is this paper? How much of your final grade does that count as?

What is 100points or 10% of the final class grade?


When making a claim or introducing a term, concept or idea, you ought to include two components. These are...

(how do you typically support an argument claim or concept introduction?)

What are a definition and a supporting example?


Each section, as well as the introduction and conclusion, should have their own....

What is a paragraph?

Section 3 asks that you discuss these two things...

What are the storytelling problem and the warren harding error?


Your conclusion ought to contain...

What is a restated thesis or summary of paper and a final point which wraps up the paper in a clear and interesting way?


Section four asks that you....

What is make at least two connections* between Blink and social cognition/perception concepts from Trenholm & Jensen (2013) Chapter 6? 

*including definition in own words & citations


What must be included at the end of your introduction?

What is a thesis statement? (a one-sentence overview of the structure of the content of your essay)


What are at least 2 concepts that might connect well to Blink from the required T&J chapter?

any 2 concepts from Ch.6 T&J that reasonably connect (in Hadassah's opinion) count!


Your writing will be graded on three main things regarding clarity and communication. What are these?

What is concise & wise writing and word choice, clear essay structure, and proper academic writing point of view*?

*third person writing except for reflection/implications section


The rubric requires that you discuss two things in the implications/reflection section (section 5). What are these two things?

What is discussing how understanding thin slicing might impact your interpersonal interactions and your own experience with rapid cognition?


When are you required to write in third person?

What is the entire paper except for section 5 while reflecting on personal applications and experiences?


Who is John Gottman? Why is Gottman's research process important to Gladwell's argument? Is Gottman's work thin slicing?

What is a psychologist and relationship researcher? What is providing a model for how Gladwell theorizes thin slicing may happen in our unconscious? What is no?


You can get support for the Blink paper assignment in three main ways that are already built into the class. What are these?

What are the in-class work day(s) (9/25 & 10/9), early submission LA draft review appointments, and skills improvement opportunities**

*in-class on 10/14 and via office hours appointment

**the writing center is already there but skills improvement points can be earned for other resources - just email Hadassah to request!