This player character became a part of WoW lore after the video of his guild “Pals for Life” went viral.
Who is Leeroy Jenkins?
This protess unit does not attack directly, but instead creates and launches interceptors.
What is a Carrier?
This mod for Warcraft III created a new genre of games which have become the most popular eSports.
What is Defense of the Ancients?
Blizzard has stated numerous times that this level does not exist in Diablo II.
What is the Cow Level?
Heroes in HotS affected by this can still attack and cast spells, but not move around.
What is Rooted?
This Shaman was developed as Thrall in HotS, before it was decided that Thrall shouldn’t be a support character.
Who is Rehgar?
This hard to kill zerg unit is the starting point of all other zerg units
What is Larva?
This unimplemented feature created a running joke in the Hearthstone Community after a Blizzard comment that it would be “Too Complicated” for players to understand.
What is More Deck Slots?
This character makes an appearance on the two newest Heroes of the Storm maps.
Who is Harrison Jones?
This Hearthstone keyword only appears on the minion V-07-TR-0N.
What is Mega-Windfury?
Former Paladin and Current Lich King.
Who is Bolvar Fordragon?
This Terran strategy, often referred to as a “Bio Ball”, relies on three units who all start with ‘M’
What is Marine, Marauder, Medivac?
A Heroes of the Storm system, similar to League’s Runes, that was scrapped after harsh community backlash.
What is Artifacts?
This appears on one of the Hearthstone game boards very rarely after clicking on vegetables.
What is a Boot?
Observers, Missile Turrets, and Overseers can see units with this keyword.
What is Cloak?
The only tutorial boss not available as a legendary card in Hearthstone’s classic set.
Who is Hemet Nesingwary?
This Hearthstone minion’s quote on summon is often misheard as “Ha, Disguised Toast”
What is SI:7 Agent?
This trending topic on Twitter was the most common reason that players couldn’t play Diablo 3 on launch.
What is Error 37?
Punch Cards from this WoW area have hidden binary messages on them.
What is Gnomeregan?
Diablo III Characters under this effect move away from the source in a straight line.
What is Fear?
The most loyal of the Lich King's Subjects
Who is Kel'Thuzad?
A Warcraft III unit that says “Ready to Work.”
What is a Peasant or Peon?
This item is commonly linked to in World of Warcraft chat as a running joke.
What is Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?
Characters from this game appear on skin variations of Tychus in HotS.
What is Overwatch?
It is Blizzard prefers to call Heroes of the Storm, instead of a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena or Action Real-Time Strategy.