The number of waves or cycles per second.
What is frequency?
The transmission has ended, but no response is expected.
What is "out"?
Radio tests on distress and calling frequencies should be limited to [this long].
What is "10 seconds or less"?
What is "digital selective calling"?
The time at which SAR will be called if a sail plan is not closed or amended.
What is "alert time"?
A service provided by cell phone companies so users can contact MCTS in the event of an emergency when they don't have access to a VHF radio.
What is *16 (star 16)?
My version of the information is XYZ, is that correct?
What is "confirm"?
A call to a ship can be repeated [this many] times at intervals of 2 minutes, and after that every 3 minutes.
What is 3?
What is "Maritime Mobile Service Identity"?
This part of the suspense file is where you find sail plans you're responsible for.
What is "active"?
The distance a radio wave will travel in one cycle.
What is wave length?
Please wait.
What is "standby"?
Keep calls to a minute or less on [these] to facilitate reception of distress calls and distress-related traffic.
What are "channel 16 and 2182"?
One way to format this is QSL SP MARIPOSA.
What is "sail plan acknowledgement"?
A world-wide system designed to transmit a vessel’s identifying information and other safety-related data to shore stations and other ships in the immediate area.
What is AIS?
This word does a lot of work. It can mean no, that's not correct, or permission denied.
What is "negative"?
Even when it seems obvious, we're always going to put [this] at the end of our 6-digit date/time groups.
What is "UTC"?
What is "radiotelephony"?
We can't accept sail plans via [this] and [this] because they're asynchronous (or one-way) methods of communication.
What are "fax" and "email"?
A type of interference that can occur during radio transmissions, based on the frequencies being used.
What are harmonics?
An error's been made, but here's the correct version.
What is, "correction, I say again"?
It's winter, which means the offset between local time and UTC in the MROS is [this].
What is "4 hours"? (Specifically, LT is UTC -4.)
What is "coordinated universal time"?
We encourage mariners to file their sail plans with one of these, but if that's not possible, we'll take them.
What is "a responsible on-shore party"?