Working Changes
Hodge Podge

What makes a change Positive?

When a change may cause the recipient’s benefit amount to increase


What are some examples of changes that would be considered Adverse/Negative?

Increase in income, gain of employment, death of HHM, HHM moved out, decrease in expenses


How does simplified reporting affect TANF and HC AGs?

It doesn’t. They have 10 days to report all changes that affect eligibility.


Ginger reports an increase in her income, but she did not verify the change. This change would decrease her benefit amount for SNAP. You are processing the Solicited document not received task for her case. What action would you take?

You would create a SRED task so that DFR can close the benefit for failure to verify income.


How many months must the income have been below the limits of a LIPCT before the increase in income to qualify for TMA?

3 out of the last 6 months.


How long do Health coverage and TANF AG’s must report a change?

10 days to report all changes which may affect eligibility.


What is Recur Run?

It is the cut off day that IEDSS stops calculating benefits for the next month and begins calculating for the following month.


If a new member with income joins the SNAP AG, the AG must determine if the income puts the AG group over 130% FPL based on the size of the original AG. T or F



Mathew calls June 15th to report that his rent increased from $1000 to $1500. A Pending verification checklist was sent requesting verification of his rent increasing. Mathew’s SNAP would increase due to this increase in shelter costs. He does not submit verification of this change. You are processing the solicited document not received task for his case. What action would you take?

You would revert the rent amount back to $1000 on the shelter expense details page, run wrap up, and create a SRED task so the DFR can authorize the benefits at the same amount.


If any child in the assistance group does not have MEC, the LIPCT(Low income parent caretaker) does not qualify for TMA. T or F

True-Minimum essential coverage is needed for all children in an AG when a parent or caretaker of a child age 18 and under.


How long to SNAP recipients must report a change in monthly income that increases the gross monthly income amount over 130% of the FPL?

By the 10th of the month following the month that the change in income takes place.


What is Adverse action?

It is the last day of the month that benefits can be authorized to allow for the timely notice period.


What is simplified reporting? What type of AG does it apply to?

AGs are only required to report a change in income that is above 130% FPL for their AG size. SNAP only.


What policy site would you go to read about SNAP changes resulting in an increase but not verified timely?

PPM 2220.10.05


What is the income limit for the last 6 months of TMA?

185% FPL for the assistance group size.


How long does a SNAP recipient have to report a change in resource amounts?

Per simplified reporting rules they do not have to report a change in resources.


What is considered timely notice for Adverse action to take place on benefits?

The agency is required to give 10 days (plus 3 for mailing) in advance of reducing or discontinuing benefits.


If a family is receiving HC, TANF, and SNAP and they have a change in their HH composition, when does it need to be reported?

Within 10 days to comply with the HC/TANF policy.


What action would you go into in IEDSS when you are taking a report of change?

Case Change


Where are over/under issuances sent?

Benefit Recovery


What is a Negative change

A change that may cause recipient’s benefits to decrease or discontinue. Increase in income, gain of employment, loss of expenses, decrease in AG size.


On February 22, Donatello reports that his brother, Michealangelo, has moved in and will be purchasing and preparing food with him. His brother has no income. The change is processed and sent for authorization the same day. An increase in benefits should happen in ____________________.

March, it is after Recur Run, so IEDSS is calculating for April. A FIAT is needed since we are adding a person to the case.


How would a SNAP AG know what the 130% FPL dollar amount is when they don’t work here?

Approval notices generated for SNAP AGs provide it based on their AG size.


When a client reports a job ending and does not verify that the job ended, we will not need to determine if they are an ABAWD. T or F

False-If they are no longer exempt from work registration and considered to meet the ABAWD criteria we would need to edit the worksheet to reflect one hour and update case notes as to why we did it and then SRED.


Can someone reporting suspected fraud remain anonymous?
