vzdušný obývák
airy living room
Musím zamést podlahu.
I must sweep the floor.
I have a present for (she).
I have a present for her.
Maminka nemusí vařit každou sobotu.
Mom doesn´t have to cook every Saturday.
mezi kuchyní a obývákem
between the kitchen and the living room
prostorná a pohodlná koupelna
spacious and comfortable bathroom
Musím dnes zahradničit.
I must do gardening today.
We don´t talk about (he), we talk about (he) dog.
We don´t talk about him, we talk about his dog.
Musím jít do školy.
I have to go to school.
vedle ložnice
next to the bedroom
moderní a čistý dvorek
modern and clean backyard
Musím poskládat prádlo.
I must fold the clothes.
Can you help (I)? I need to find (I) textbook.
Can you help me? I need to find my textbook.
Nesmíme lhát.
We mustn´t tell lies.
před gaučem
in front of the sofa
útulná a tichá knihovna
cosy and quiet library
Musím vyžehlit.
I must do the ironing.
Where are (she) toys? I cannot see (they).
Where are her toys? I cannot see them.
Bratr musí krmit našeho psa.
Brother has to feed our dog.
za knihovničkou
behind the bookshelf
krásné zrcadlo v chladném sklepě
a beautiful mirror in a cool cellar
Nesmím dělat nepořádek, musím vynést odpadky.
I mustn´t make a mess, I must take out the trash.
Jane is the girl between (she) and (he).
Jane is the girl between her and him.
Musím si uklidit. (protože mi vadí, že mám nepořádek)
I must tidy my room.
pod kobercem
under the carpet