Friendship and Stuff
Going Green
Weather Report
Character Traits

This a friend that doesn't like to share and only likes to talk about themselves. 

a selfish friend


This is the person that makes you coffee in the morning. 

a Barista


What are some of the things that are killing the planet?

Open answer! examples: oil, coal, humans, plastic, etc


There is solid ice falling from the sky, stay inside or it can hurt you. 

What is the weather right now? 

There is a hail storm 


This is a person that is always there for you when you need them.



This is what you do when you and a friend are not getting along. 

They ______________ each other. 

argue with 


This is the person that saves your life when you are swimming in a pool or on a beach. Don't go drowning now. 

a lifeguard


A city that is dirty, where the sky is not blue and there is trash in the river, is a _________ city. 



Wow, the rain has come and gone, and now the sun is shining. It has created a colorful arc across the sky. How beautiful it is!

What is it? 

There is a rainbow!


This person loves to talk. They talk alot!

A talkative person 


Good friends like to get together and just do nothing; to do nothing together and just be around friends is called what?

to hangout with friends


This is the document you use when applying for a job. You have a paper filled out with your information and it details your entire work and educational history. 

 a CV or Resume 

(Curriculum Vitae) 


What is it when we take old things, break them down to their raw materials, and use them again; Plastic, metal, glass, and paper usually?

For example, melting old glass bottles together... to make more glasss bottles.



I can't see anything, I could barely see a few metres in front of me on my way here. 

What was wrong?

It's foggy


A person who has very proper manners. They are very respectful. They always say please and thank you. 

a polite person


To talk and talk and talk, and always be comfortable talking together is also known as what phrase? 

Get on well with 


A __________ works at the hair salon and a _________ cuts mens hair. 

Hair stylist (beautician?) and a barber


What is the name of whole collective nature of earth all working togetehr to coexist, plants and animals and everything. 

the environment 


Augh, its so hot today, what is the ____________ right now? 

It's 120 degrees celcius.... either we are on the sun or that is in actually fahrenheit.



This person likes to exercise and do things!

an active person


When a person really annoys you, makes you irritated and frustrated, what phrase can we use? 

they get on someones nerve 


This is the only job in the world (I hope) who gets paid to knock us out and cut us open with knives. They sometimes even steal our organs. 

a surgeon 


What is it to take all of our food scraps and put them together, and later to be used on the garden to make it healthier. 

We make a compost!


Hey can you check the _________________ for the weekend? Is it supposed to be nice friday or cold? 

It says it will raining and be windy. So that sucks...

weather forecast / forecast 


This person can be a liar. They should not be trusted with a secret. They are not always telling the truth. 

a dishonest person