Blood pH is very slightly acidic.
The vasoconstriction of a blood vessel due to blood vessel damage
Vascular Spasm
Erythrocytes form in the _________ under the influence of _______ hormone.
red bone marrow, EPO
List the 3 parts of Hb molecule.
Heme molecule
4 globulin proteins
4 irons at the center of each heme
Antigens project from the cell's ________.
Monocytes become macrophages when they enter into blood vessels.
When the wall of a blood vessel is damaged, platelets stick to _________ with the help of von Willebrand factors.
collagen fibers
What is thrombopoiesis?
Process of creating megakaryocytes that then form proplatelets and then platelets.
Uses thrombopoietin.
Where do macrophages engulf aged RBCs?
(list 2 organs)
Liver, spleen
An embolus is a clot that remains lodged in a blood vessel.
Embolus travels in bloodstream
Thrombus is stationary
During the coagulation phase, _______ converts fibrinogen to fibrin strands that reinforce the platelet plug and form a clot.
List the 3 types of granulocytes and their functions.
Neutrophils: phagocytize pathogens
Eosinophils: destroy parasitic worms
Basophils: release histamine and heparin (inflammatory chemicals)
What is heme converted into?
Used for fat digestion in SI and then eliminated in urine or feces
Someone with blood type A has anti-A antibodies.
They have anti-B antibodies
prolong vascular spasms
attract other platelets
stimulate coagulation
stimulate replication of blood vessel wall cells
>250 million molecules of Hb
Biconcave disc (large surface area)
No mitochondria (can't use up O2)
Macrophages convert heme to a yellowish substance called ________.
List all the blood types type A- blood can donate to.
A+, A-, AB+, AB-
Globulins are the primary proteins responsible for colloid osmotic pressure.
Globulins are lipid carrier proteins.
List 2 anticoagulants.
NO, prostacyclin, Vitamin E quinine
List and describe the function of the 3 types of lymphocytes.
B-lymphocytes: produce antibodies
T-lymphocytes: manage immune response
Natural killer cells: attack abnormal or infected cells
Iron is stored in the spleen and the liver until it is taken by ________ to the red bone marrow.
What is hemolytic disease of the newborn?
Occurs in a second pregnancy.
After the mom was exposed to first child's Rh+ blood, she developed anti-D antibodies. If her second child is Rh+, her antibodies can cross over the placenta and destroy fetal erythrocytes.