The universal recipient
What is AB+
Low velocity and round puddle of blood
What is passive?
The 4 parts of blood
RBC WBC Platelets and Plasma
smallest blood spatter droplet, speeds of 100 ft/sec, likely caused a gunshot
what is high velocity?
Blood has no present antigens (A, B or Rh)
What is O-
Blood Stain from hair
What is a swipe pattern?
Fight infections and foreign agents in the body
White Blood Cells
Blood has 1-4 mm droplets likely caused by a beating or stabbing
What is medium velocity?
A blood typing test was run and blood was placed in 3 different tubes to determine the antigens present. The blood clotted in the test tube with B and Rh. The blood did not clot for test tube A. What is the blood type?
What is B+ blood
blood stain pattern where someone tried to remove blood from a surface with a cloth
what is wipe pattern
The largest part of blood
Blood stain is larger in size (4mm+) usually round and caused by a blunt object
what is low velocity
Blood that O- can receive
what is O- blood because O- has no antigens but A, B and Rh antibodies
blood spatter pattern where an object has been removed
What is shadow/void pattern?
Carry oxygen and CO2 through the body
What are RBC
Label the parts of blood
A- Spine
B- Satellite
C- Parent Drop
Rarest blood type
What is AB+ or AB-
Blood spatter pattern on the ceiling after a person is hit with an object multiple times
what is cast off pattern
Gives blood its clotting ability
What are Platelets
direction the blood is traveling
what is right to left
The term when a blood transfusion is not successful and blood clots due to antibodies from the donor blood attacking the antigens in the recipient blood
What is Aggulation?
blood stain pattern caused by internal bleeding or the body getting rid of internal blood
what is expired blood?
uses UV light to determine of blood is present at a crime scene
what is luminol?
how blood evidence is packaged
what is in paper and in separate paper bags?