Define Homeostasis
What are Red Blood cells which carry hemoglobin throughout our bodies so we can live and breathe?
Our heart rate and pulse are the same thing. When determining our heart rate / pulse at rest which artery do we use and which fingers do use to determine our resting heart rate / pulse?
What is the radial artery and our index and middle finger?
How would you define blood pressure?
What is a necessary force of blood circulating against the walls of our arteries through systemic circulation?
Which disease is a genetic blood disorder of platelets?
What is hemophilia?
One of our blood's major functions is to maintain homeostasis for our bodies.
There are many vitals components in our system which blood regulates. List two.
Example: Osmotic Pressure
What are blood pH, body temperature, hormone regulation, clotting?
These components of our blood only make up 1% of its contents. These components are warriors in battle which fight disease and infection.
What are White Blood Cells?
Oxygen saturation is the percentage of 02 molecules bound to hemoglobin in our blood.
Normal Oxygen saturation is between 95% and 100%.
When is supplemental oxygen required and what disorder could set if it not addressed?
What is below 90% and Hypoxemia?
Normal blood pressure is roughly 120/80 mmHg.
What do we call the top number and what does it represent?
What do we call the bottom number and what does it represent?
What is systolic and heart contracts / pumps?
What is diastolic and the heart relaxes?
Which disease is cancer of the bone marrow?
What is leukemia?
Blood is manufactured in our lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland, however, where is blood primarily produced?
What is the bone marrow?
These components of blood are responsible for clotting and the prevention and stoppage of blood loss.
What are platelets?
Normal resting Respiratory Rate is between 12 to 20 breaths/minute. Name two factors which could influence this number?
What are age, exercise, stress, emotions, and asthma?
Use a two numbers to describe Hypertension Stage One
What is 130-139/80-89 mmHg?
Which disease is a decrease in red blood cell production leading to a decrease in hemoglobin and the amount of oxygen delivered to our cells?
What is anemia?
What is the primary nutrient and the primary waste products our blood is responsible for delivering and disposing of?
What are oxygen for our cells and carbon dioxide?
This is the primary component of blood which is 92% water and responsible for the suspension of RBSs, WBCs, and platelets?
What is plasma?
Normal body temperature is approximately 98.6 degrees.
What number is the threshold for a fever and what number is the threshold for hypothermia?
What are 100 degrees and above?
What are 89 degrees and below?
What two numbers for our blood pressure at their lowest is considered a crisis or medical emergency?
What is above 180/ above 120 mmHg?
Name three causes of amenia.
What are blood loss due to trauma, genetics (inherited such as sickle cell anemia), and deficiencies in iron, Vitamin B12 and folic acid (Vitamin B)?
What percentage of body weight is made up of our blood?
What is roughly 8% of our body weight?
Plasma is 92% water and roughly 8% nutrients. List three nutrients that is contained in blood plasma.
What are proteins, fats, sugars, vitamins, and minerals?
Some minerals include Potassium and Sodium, as well as, Calcium, Magnesium, and Cholride.
How do we calculate heart rate MAX?
The maximum heart rate (HRmax) is the highest number of times the heart can beat per minute during vigorous exercise. It is typically calculated as
What is 220 - your age (in years)?
Mercury is used for many applications. When determining blood pressure a column of mercury is used to determine our BP numbers.
What does Mercury literally translate to?
What is quick silver?
The only liquid metal at room temperature.
What are radiation and chemical exposure and smoking?