What is another name for blood platelet?
If the blood cells have both A and B antigen proteins what type is it?
Type A and B
Which test produces light when blood is present?
When blood falls, it maintains what shape and why?
Blood falls in a round shape because of cohesion
Which type of cell is most abundant in blood?
Red Blood Cell
What is the scientific name for red blood cells?
If the blood cells have neither A nor B antigen proteins what type is it?
Type 0
Which test uses antibodies that react to human blood to tell if mammal blood is from a human?
Small secondary droplets around the main blood spatter drop are called:
Which type of blood cell contains DNA?
White Blood Cell
Where in the body is blood produced?
Bone Marrow
85% of the population is considered to have this type of blood type
hint (+\-)
Rh +
Who was the first to research and analyze spatter patterns?
A Medium velocity blood spatter measuring 1-4mm is common with what type of injury?
What type of white blood cell kills and digests bacteria and fungi and makes up a large portion of pus?
Which blood vessels cary deoxygenated blood back to the heart and which blood vessels carries oxygenated blood away from the heart?
Veins, Arteries
During a blood typing test, if blood agglutinates in anti-A serum and anti-B serum but not in anti-Rh serum, what blood type would they have?
Egyptians used what technique to try to cure diseases?
If someone is stabbed repeatedly with a knife, the movement and the number of swings can often be determined by analyzing what type of blood spatter pattern
During a blood typing test, if blood agglutinates in anti-B serum and anti-Rh serum but not in anti-A serum, what blood type would they have?
Substances found on the surface of any foreign molecule or cell in the body that can trigger an immune response
Least Common ABO type?
Type AB
Who discovered the ABO and Rh blood group?
When first arriving at a crime scene, you do not see blood. What should you do?
Spray with luminol to look for hidden or cleaned up blood
Blood platelets serve what function?
They help clot blood and repair blood vessel damage