Microorganism that will cause illness or disease in the human body.
What are bloodborne pathogens?
This is an approach to treat all human blood and bodily fluids as if they are infectious.
What is Universal precautions?
One of the most important ways to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
What is handwashing?
A 1:10 mixture of this solution can be used for decontamination.
What is bleach?
What do you do with a biohazard bag once clean up is done?
What is put in the 1st aid room and notify HST?
Form of Hepatitis which there is a vaccination.
What is Hepatitis B?
This form needs to be completed if there is an exposure, injury or illness that is work related.
What is an incident form?
Used to protect hands from an exposure and should be worn during clean-up.
What are gloves?
Extra biohazard bags are kept here.
What is in the medical bags for soiled and bloody PPE?
The federal agency that has developed the Bloodborne Pathogens standards.
What is OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)?
3 Common bloodborne pathogens.
What is HIV, Hep B, & Hep C?
notify your employer first and then OHSA if necessary.
What do you do if working conditions are unsafe?
PPE dripping with blood should be placed here.
What is in a biohazard bag?
Besides bleach these 2 things can be used to clean up blood or body fluids.
What are sani-wipes and disinfectant
What is the document called that explains our exposure plan and where do you find it?
What is the bloodborne pathogen policy and or exposure control plan? On the intranet or in the 1st aid room?
Hepatitis attacks this organ.
What is the liver?
Needles and other sharp object should be placed here?
What is a sharps container?
this is where you find a gown, gloves, mask, and mouth barriers here.
What is in our medical bags?
Where in the truck are the disinfectants found to clean up blood or body fluids?
What is in the rescue truck?
This is done immediately if you have someone elses blood on you.
What is wash with soap and water and notify supervisor?
This virus leads to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). It depletes the immune system and does not survive well outside of the body.
What is HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus?
The number of exposures it takes to become infected with HIV, Hepatitis B or C virus.
What is one?
Clean your hands this way if soap and water or a restroom is not available.
What is use alcohol-based hand rubs?
If a machine is contaminated inside how would you clean it?
What is by spraying it with disinfectant?
Puncture wounds, infectious material coming in contact with open areas on skin, and infectious materials contacting mucous membranes of eyes, nose and mouth are all ways bloodborne pathogens can be _____________.
What are ways to be transmitted?