Many individuals reach the peak of their physical capabilities in these years, typically from late teens to early 20s?
What is early adulthood?
According to Erikson, forming close relationships, and committing to a partner is the primary task in early adulthood known by the stage name.
What is intimacy versus isolation?
when children leave home, parents may face freedom or a sense of loss and this well known phenomenon.
What is emptiness syndrome?
As adults move into their 40s and beyond, they commonly experienced difficulties, focusing on close objects known by this term.
What is presbyopia?
During middle Adulthood, the focus often and shifts guiding the next generation summarized by EriKason‘s turn for the stage.
What is generativity vs. stagnation?
Like a superhero discovering new powers, middle-age adults often herness years of knowledge to excel and problem-solving things to this growing in intelligence.
What is crystallized intelligence?
This type of intelligence which relies on accumulated knowledge and experience tends to increase through adulthood.
What is crystallized intelligence?
Adults who care for both their children and aging parents simultaneously belong to this “ dual duty” group.
What is the sandwich generation?
The milestone birthday can feel like a personal turning point sometimes prompting dramatic life changes or even a new red sports car.
What is turning 50?
The ability to think abstractly and solve novel problems can begin to decline in middle adulthood. It’s known as this.
What is fluid intelligence?
Sometimes centralization this period in middle adulthood involves we evaluating life goals and is known colloquially as a “crisis”.
What is the midlife crisis?
One marvel of midlife is the increase ability to navigate emotions and emphasize with others showcasing this cumulative experience based skill.
What is emotional intelligence?
Sometimes called a male version of menopause. This gradual decline in fertility and testosterone can occur in middle-age men.
What is Anthro or the male climActeric?
Middle-age adults often experience major shifts in their professional paths, sometimes referred to as these career reboots.
What are mid career translations?
When middle-age adults judge a job care for children and help aging parents they’re tackling this triple challenge like real life superheroes.
What is the sandwich generation?