Introduction pages
Solutions for the Lack of Liberal Education
What is "Liberal Education"?
An approach to learning that empowers individuals and prepares them to deal with complexity, diversity, and change. An education based primarily on the liberal arts, emphasizing the development of intellectual abilities as opposed to the acquisition of professional skills.
True or False: Universities don't have enough courses to teach their students.
Name one of the three solutions Bloom offers for the lack of Liberal Education
The Breadth Ideology, Composite Courses, and Great Books
Bloom says the undecidided student is an _____ to most universities.
True or False: Big universities give their students a liberal education instead of focusing on their careers.
False, most universities teach the skills students will need for their career.
Which one of the solutions does the Univeristy of Oklahoma use? How do you know?
OU uses the "Breadth idelology" solution, because they make students take general education classes.
What did the University of Cornell do to supress their students desire for liberal education?
Professors encouraged professionalism and the need for money.
True or False: Most professors are specialists, concerned only with their own field, and are concerned with their own personal advancement.
What are composite courses?
Professors collaborate on course like “Man in Nature”. They are a mix of two subjects like math and language or history and English.
Using context clues, what is the definition of "sotto voce"?
To speak in an undertone.
True or False: Bloom thinks the "Composite Course" solution is the best.
False, Bloom favors the Great Books approach
List one pro and one con of the use of Great Books in a university
PROS: 1.Students enjoy it and feel relaxed just reading for fun. 2.They begin to respect the books and the idea of reading and studying. 3.They feel like they are getting something worthwhile from the school that they cannot get elsewhere. CONS: 1.It is considered amateurish. 2.How do you define a “Great Book”? Who does the defining and who chooses what they students read? 3.Faculty and administration do not accept the Great Books.