What is the first fighting style u can get
What fruit was before rocket
What gun do u start with
What race is most common when u spawn in
What is the first sword u can get
What is the least expensive fighting style (NO combat)
What fruits have m1s (name 4)
blade diamond ice light Phoenix portal t-rex mammoth dragon gas leapord kitsunae
What is the cheapest gun
sling shot
What are the 2 races u can't spawn with
goul and cyborg
What sword cost 1,000,000$
What is the most expensive fighting style in the first sea
water kun fu
What is the least expensive mythical fruit
What's the most expensive gun in first sea
What requirements are for v4
full moon
What are the 5 mythical swords (only have to name 4)
ttk cdk dark blade hallow scythe tdb
What is the hardest fighting style to get
sanguine arts
What is one of the best fruits for PvP (there are many answers)
dough dragon portal ice kitsune buddah
What's the best gun for pvp
soul guitar
How to get cyborg
What swords are mainly used for PvP only have to name 1
ttk cdk gravity cane spiky trident
What fighting styles have the most moves
Dark/Death step
What fruit cost 2,100,000$
What gun do the island empress drop
serpent bow
How to get goul race
100 ectoplasma and totem
What's the two swords you can get by sea events.
fox lamp shark anchor