The Christian Bible is a Catholic Book
Be Awe-fensive - ask them ?s
The Ignorant Catholic
The Biblical Principle
But That Is My Interpretation

Apologetics means this

What is:

having an explanation / a defense / a reason for believing as in 1 Peter 3:15? 


Salvation is by Faith alone

What is:

the only time in the Bible where these two words appear in one sentence, it declares NOT by faith alone?

Is love of God necessary to enter heaven?

Is eating Jesus flesh necessary to have life as in John 6

Is faith what you do or what God gives you?


Say this whenever someone asks a question you do not know the answer to

What is:

"I don't know, but I'll find out and get back to you"?


Assumption of Mary in to Heaven Body and Soul

What is:

Psalm 16 speaks of the principle of not letting the faithful ones undergo corruption?

the principle of being taken to heaven is in the Bible. Enoch was taken up to heaven body and soul, Elijah was taken up to heaven body and soul in a fiery chariot 2 Kings 2:11?


You're interpreting scripture wrong 

What is:

ask, "Can the Bible be interpreted by anyone for themselves? (if they say yes, I say "Well that is my interpretation" or if they say, only scripture can be used to interpret scripture I ask them where in scripture it says only scripture can be used to interpret scripture"

 1 Pet 2:26 No scripture is a matter of personal interpretation


you added to the Bible books that were not originally there 

What is:

the 46 Old Testament books and the number of books in the New Testament for a total of _______46 books in the 27 New Testament 27 books have made up the list of 73 books since 382 A.D. In the 1500 Martin Luther tried to throw out 13 books because they conflicted with what he wanted them to say?


Solo scripture / Scripture alone / Bible alone

What is:

Where in the Bible does it say what books make up the Bible?

Where in the Bible does it say who decided what books are and are not in the Bible?

Where in the Bible does it say that everything that is true must be listed in the Bible?


You don't need to confess your sins to a priest; you are blaspheming claiming he can forgive sins

What is:

John 20:23 Jesus gave his apostles the power to forgive  or to retain sins, it does not say he gave them power to read minds to know someone else's sins

Mt 16:18 Mt 18:18

James 5:16 says to "confess your sins to one another"


Purgatory is not in the Bible 

What is:

The principle of purgatory is in the Bible. a place or state of the soul being cleansed by God before entering heaven Ps 99 :punishment for sin even after forgiveness of sin

Rev 21:27 nothing unclean enters heaven



Anyone can interpret the Bible using only the Bible 

What is:

"Lean not on your own understanding"

in Acts 8 the Ethiopian Eunuch asked, "How can (understand) what I read unless someone guides me?" . 

2 Pet 1:20

Pr 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and rely not on your own insight"?


This is who decided what books would be in the christian Bible and when they decided it

What is:

The bishops of the Catholic Church in 384 A.D and 404 A.D at the Council of Ca

From Catholic Answers:"The process culminated in 382 as the Council of Rome, which was convened with Pope Damasus, promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. .. was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and then definitively reaffirmed by the eccumenical  Council of Florence in 1442. Finally, the ecumenical Council of Trent solemnly defined this same canon in 1546, after it came under attack by the first Protestant leaders, including Martin Luther"


Communion is just a symbol of Jesus not literally Him

What is:

John 6 Jesus himself says "this is my body, given up for you" and "do this in remembrance of me". When his disciples left him he did not say he didn't mean what he said.

he also teaches in (    ) "Let your Yes be Yes and your no be no anything else is from the evil one"?


You go against Jesus who says in the Bible (Mt 23:9), "call no man your Father on earth "

What is:

Scripture also calls Abraham our Father in faith, his name means Father of Multitude and God gave him that name to be called.

Paul the Apostle to the gentiles(non Jewish people) claimed to be father of his spiritual children. 1 Cor 4:15

the fourth commandment says to honor thy father and the eight says to not bear false witness, therefore we cannot bear false witness by not calling our father who he is - father?

The spiritual fatherhood of New Covenant priests is an extension of its application to Old Covenant priests (Judg 17:10; 18:19)


Jesus had brothers, so Mary being ever-virgin is anti-bible

What is:

Mk 3:35 Whoever does my will is my mother and brothers?

John received Mary from Jesus on the cross which would have been against the law if he had brothers.

Acts 1:14 Mary the mother of Jesus and his brethren all together praying after the ascension for the coming of the Holy Spirit there were 120 persons


The Bible is the sole rule of faith and truth

What is:

The Church is the pillar and bulwark of the truth as in 1 Tim 3:15 not the Bible?

Without this protective grace, the bishops of the Church would be no more than fallible human teachers unequipped to fulfill the mission granted to them by the Lord of safeguarding the deposit of faith through the ages until Christ returns in glory on the last day.


Baptism is a nice idea but is not necessary

What is:

1 Pet 3:21 says Baptism now saves you.

As in Noah only 8 were saved through the waters

as in the Exodus the Israelites were saved through the Red Sea 

Jesus himself was Baptized in order to sanctify the water for our salvation


You worship statues, that is anti-Biblical it says "make no graven image"

What is:

We do not worship statues we reverence the person God made holy, or the God the statue represents.

Ex God himself told Moses to fashion the image of a bronze serpent and mount it on a pole to heal those bitten by seraph serpents as a result of Israel's rebellious disobedience in the desert.

God also told then to make images of angels for the tabernacle


Catholics are not Christians

What is:

A Christian is one who follows Christs teaching in practice. Catholics have the fullness of what Christ revealed and gave to us. When Jesus started His church there were no protestants. In Antioch the members of the Way were first called Christians. The first protestants deformed the unity of the one body of Christ going directly against what the Lord Jesus prayed in John 17 that His followers be one.


You worship Mary

What is:

God honors His mother as in the 4th commandment so do I

the dividic King Solomon bowed to his mother who was the Queen (Gebirah); I too bow to the mother of my King


You kill Jesus over an over again if the mass is a sacrifice

What is:

We are made present by the power of the Holy Spirit at the one sacrifice of Calvary which is re-presented for our benefit at each mass. 

references for do this in remembrance of Me in MT?

Jesus is the same yesterday and today.


Where is "mass" in the Bible?

What is:

the Last Supper, which established the new covenant from the passover precursor, was the first mass. Jesus and the apostles sang at this first mass. Judas left the first mass early and betrayed Jesus. There are 4 cups in the Jewish passover feast but he stopped at the third cup until he drank the fourth cup on the cross and declared, "It is finished" the New Covenant is established. 

From the Word of God in Genesis drawn on heavily throughout the mass, through the Passover of the angel of death in Egypt, through the Lamb of God in Revelation the Bible is like the menu the mass is the meal.


Are you Saved?

What is:

the Bible says I have been saved, (past tense Eph 2:8) I am being saved (present tense 1 For 1:18), and I will be saved (future tense Acts 16:31) 

from Patrick Madrid “As the Bible says, I am already saved (Rom. 8:24, Eph. 2:5–8), but I’m also being saved (1 Cor. 1:18, 2 Cor. 2:15, Phil. 2:12), and I have the hope that I will be saved (Rom. 5:9–10, 1 Cor. 3:12–15). Like the apostle Paul I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom. 5:2, 2 Tim. 2:11–13).”

 From John Martignoni's Bible Christian Society:

Yes, as Catholics we are born again. And, as Catholics we believe that we were saved, as Paul says in Rom 8:24; that we are being saved, as Paul says in 1 Cor 1:18; and that we will be saved, as Paul says in Rom 5:9-10, provided we persevere and keep our eyes on the prize. Salvation is a process, just as Catholics believe, and just as the Bible clearly teaches.


You Catholics wrongly believe you are saved by works

What is:

We believe we are "saved by grace working through Faith" as in Eph 2:8

We believe we are saved by Baptism as in 1 Pet 3:21.

We believe we will be judged by what we have done as in Romans 2:6 Revelation 20:12-13.

Matthew 25:40 Jesus says, "as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me" not as you only believed by faith.


Where is the Pope in the Bible?

What is:

Mt 16:18 Jesus gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom


What to say if when you die God asks you, "Why should I let you into my heaven" ?

What is:

God never asked that question in all of scripture, to the contrary, "It is His will that all men be saved and come to knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim 2:4) " not that all men be damned. He will actually ask more like, "Why won't you come to me in heaven". He called me, chose me, elected me, adopted me, justified me, redeemed me, and sanctified me. I believe in His loving mercy and that love in thought, word and deed are necessary.

Scripture says I will be judged by my deeds (MT 25) not only my thoughts and words.

God who created you without your consent will not save you without your consent.- St. Augustine