What Committee runs the @pennstateTHON Instagram?
Public Relations!
Finish this 2024 Line Dance lyric!
Come on State, let's soar! //
Cubs and Lions, shake the floor!
Fill in the blank:
THON Weekend is a 46-hour no-__, no-__ dance marathon.
THON Weekend is a 46-hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon.
What committee plans and executes the THON 5k each year?
Special Events!
Finish this 2023 Line Dance lyric!
Got the wordle, took three tries//
wait hold up, it’s BeReal Time
How many THON Committees are there?
What committee got committee members for the first time EVER this year?
Supply Logistics!
Finish this 2022 Line Dance lyric!
THON is home, lives in our hearts //
Endless in the love we spark.
How many student volunteers are involved with THON?