Whats make up the East coast blues region?
North Carolina, South Carolina
Sometimes called?
Piedmont blues,Blues,Muddy waters
How did the Texas blues form?
It developed as rural workers began moving to the rural centers,It formed in georgia,It formed in mines in the south
How did the Delta blues developed?
Dockery Farms,Mines,Corn fields,Apple orchards
When did the great migration happen?
Where were the blues born?
East coast characteristics
Melodic vocal lines,Harmonicas,Electric,Piano
how do people typically sing?
Use high pitched,Clear Vocals,Use harmonicas,Loud noises
Who is the Delta Blues?
Charlie Patton,Jimmie Rodgers,William Christopher Handy,B. B. King
where did the Chicago blue originate?
The south,The western,North,South east
Notable East Coast Blues Singer
Willie Walker,Blind Boy Fuller,Muddy Waters
What is the rhythm of Texas blues,
more relaxed,swinging feeling,long short rhythm,fast paste rhythm
What is the rhythmic of the Delta blues?
Rhythmic guitar patterns,Using a slide,electric,Heavy on drums
What type of instruments style did the Chicago blues have?
Electric,Rhythmic guitar,More relaxed
Where does the name come from
Use of blues notes,Use of music,Use of lyrics,
What Instruments Is In East Coast Blues
Heavy Use Of Harmonica,Heavy Use Guitars,Heavy Use Of Drums,Heavy Use of Electric
How do the lyrics go?
Less heavily on Heartbreaks,Less hard times,Less fun times,Less romantic times
What style do people sing Delta blues?
Sung by solo singer ,Vocal line patterns,Sad rhythm
What type of instruments did the Chicago blues have?
The blues developed in three distinct areas.
Carolinas,Georgia,South Carolina,Texas
What Is Not Part Of East Coast Blues
Harmonica,Willie Walker,Bobby"Blue"Bland,Robert Johnson
What are the Texas blues singers?
Blind lemon,T-bone Walker,Hoochie Coochie Man,"Blind Boy"Fuller
What are some singers of the Delta Blues?
Eddie"Son"house,Robert Johnson,Muddy Waters,
What type of singers have moved from the north?
Muddy waters,Howlin'wolf,Willie Walker,Blind Boy