Where was the empire located?
present day Mexico city- island in the middle of Lake Texcoco
Where the Inca empire was located
What is the Andes Mountains?
Where did the Renaissance flourish?
Wealthy Italian cities due to their location to multiple other cities (peninsula)- They could afford to be patrons of art and fund libraries
What desert were the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires located?
The Sahara Desert
A system of government with a king, lords, lesser lords, knights, vassals, serfs
How were they able to grow crops to provide to the empire?
Chinampas-floating gardens
Flat steps cut into the mountainside to build and farm
Rebirth of art and learning
What did they use to transport goods across the desert?
Camels because they were able to go long distances without water and food
caused many deaths and the serfs to be able to demand payment
The Black Death
How were they able to build and expand their empire?
By conquering nearby city-states with military strength
Form of irrigation which is where water is provided to cities throughout the empire for farming
Advantages of the printing press
Books were less expensive, quicker to make, knowledge spread more quickly
Who was the known as the richest man in the world?
Mansa Musa
A soldier who was given land in exchange for loyalty to the king
A sign of an eagle perched on cactus was sent by their sun god
How did they decide to stop being nomadic and start their empire?
Knots on strings called quipu
A way for the Incas to collect and record data
Art technique used to make it look like you are stepping into the picture
Linear perspective
What did they have a lot of access to due to trading?
Salt and Gold
Because this fell, there was a loss of learning creating the Middle Ages
Western Roman Empire
An ancient book with the history and traditions written inside
What is a codex?
Sapa Inca, noble clans, lesser clans and a He-Who-Sees Everything
What did Mansa Musa bring back to his empire after his traveling?
the Islam religion- mosques, universities
the military woman who had an angel come to her to let her know to keep fighting and encouraged the French troops to not give up - she was burned at the stake
Joan of Arc