Carols & Hymns
Movie Night
Starts with "C"
History & Tradition
Lights & Colors

The hymn "O come, all ye faithful" draws listeners to this town, where Jesus was born.

What is Bethlehem?


In Home Alone 2, Kevin accidentally winds up in this city after getting on the wrong plane.

What is New York City?


While leaving out milk and cookies for Santa, you might want to leave these vegetables for the reindeer.

What are carrots?


This acronym stands for the military group tasked with tracking Santa via satellite after being mistaken for a Sears Santa hotline in 1955.

What is NORAD?


This Christmas character is most well-known for his green color and sour attitude. 

Who is the Grinch?


A kalanda refers to a Greek Christmas caroling tradition where children carry this three-sided instrument.  

What is a triangle?


Clark Griswold was gifted a year's membership with this subscription service by his employer.

What is Jelly of the Month Club?


Each year at Christmas, 1.3 billion of these are sent through the mail. 

What is a card?


Dating back to Norse mythology, it is common practice to kiss under a sprig of this plant. 

What is mistletoe?


Elvis popularized this melancholic Christmas song.

What is Blue Christmas?


"Angels we have heard on high" features this four-word Latin phrase which angels sang in Luke 2:14. 

What is Gloria in Excelsis Deo?


When asked to say grace over Christmas dinner, Aunt Bethany recites this in Christmas Vacation.

What is the Pledge of Allegiance?


One of the eight original reindeer featured in the 1823 poem The Night Before Christmas, she shares the same name as a Roman god usually associated with Valentine's Day.

Who is Cupid?


In 1931, this company used an image of Santa Claus for their advertising, largely contributing to the popularization of the modern Santa depiction. 

What is Coca-Cola?


He was the very first US president to decorate the White House using Christmas lights in 1894.

Who is Grover Cleveland?


This hymn was first sung in 1818 in its original language of German, known as "Stille Nacht". 

What is Silent Night?


Buddy the Elf was tasked with testing each one of these surprising children's toys. 

What is a Jack in the Box?


In many countries but most notably in England, you might be given one of these. They are wrapped cardboard tubes filled with small gifts, paper crowns, and a joke.

What is a cracker?


This Southern state was the first to formally recognize Christmas in 1836.

What is Alabama?


This 16th century Protestant reformer is often credited with the idea of Christmas lights by tying candles to a Christmas tree.

Who is Martin Luther?


This carol, written by a Ukranian composer, was originally called Shchedryk and has become one of the most known Christmas carols, including a notable feature in the Home Alone film. 

What is Carol of the Bells?


Christmas with the Kranks was based on a 2001 novel by this Mississippi author. 

Who is John Grisham?


Your Christmas tree is most likely one of these, a type of cone-bearing evergreens including pine, spruce, or fir.

What is a conifer?


A missionary in Mexico brought this flower called "flor de nochebuena" back to the United States where it was named after him and became a popular symbol of the season. 

What is a poinsettia?


Mississippi last saw one of these in 2010, needing at least one inch of snow on Christmas day to qualify. 

What is a white Christmas?