Trends in the Field
Biomedical Engineering
BME Careers
Silly BME Traits

Surgery was recently done by one of these biomedical engineering inventions instead of by a surgeon.

What is a surgical robot?


A multidisciplinary STEM field that combines biology and engineering, applying engineering principles and materials to medicine and healthcare.

What is Biomedical Engineering?


A field in biomedical engineering that studies engineering and computer science to develop devices that assist individuals recovering from or adapting to cognitive and physical impairments.

What is rehabilitation engineering?


The current presidents of NU BMES.

Who are Isa Candal and Ophelia Tong?


A biomedical engineer might drink this to keep them going.

What are caffeinated drinks? 

(can be coffee, energy drinks, etc.)


Athletes in the Paralympics likely benefit from these biomedical engineering creations.

What are prosthetic devices?


A subdivision of Biomedical Engineering.

What are Biomedical Electronics, Biomaterials, Computational Biology, Cellular and Genetic Engineering, Medical Imaging, Orthopedic Bioengineering, and Bioanotechnology? 

(any one of above list)


Bioengineers design, install, evaluate and create the machines and medical devices that physicians use to treat and diagnose patients.

What is a bioengineer's job?


"To serve as the world's leading society of professionals devoted to developing and using engineering and technology to advance human health and well-being."

What is The Vision of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)?


Despite the level of education required to become a biomedical engineer, the occupation doesn't reap this benefit.

What is a high salary?


This type of vaccine delivery is being studied as the next cure for cancer.

What is mRNA?


Example of a developed Biomedical engineer life-saving concept.

What are artifical organs, surgical robots, advanced prosthetics, new pharmaceutical drugs, and kidney dialysis?

(any one of the above list)


A field in biomedical engineering that is involved with the design and production of products, striving to create goods that are low-cost and high-quality. In the biomedical field, these products are typically developed for use in the healthcare industry. 

What is Manufacturing Engineering?


The state where BMES was first incorporated.

What is Illinois?


Whether to perform tests or conduct research, this is where a biomedical engineer will likely spend most of their time.

What is a laboratory?


Biomedical engineers grow this in a lab to help people who have been severely burned, have advanced skin cancer, or need an ear replaced.

What is tissue engineering?


A core subject in a biomedical engineering degree.

What are math, chemistry, physics, computer programming, molecular biology, or genetics?

(any one from the above list)


A field in biomedical engineering that uses clinical trials to conduct research for improving human health, carrying out scientific laboratory tests to find solutions to medical problems.

What is Biomedical Research?


The date when the Biomedical Engineering Society was incorporated.

What is February 1, 1968?


This level of education is often preferred for advancement in the field.

What is a Master's degree?


This biomedical creation was made to help deliver medications in a time-released manner.

What are transdermal patches?


A field for an undergraduate degree that would lead to a Biomedical Engineering graduate program.

What are Biomedical Science or Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Physics?

(any one from the above list)


A field biomedical engineering that works with medical organizations and research institutions to provide guidance and recommendations. Their input can affect how processes are executed, what type of equipment to use, how to organize a workforce and other crucial decisions.

What is Consulting?


The Society's premier award that is given each year to recognize an individual's outstanding achievements and leadership in the science and practice of biomedical engineering. 

What is the Robert A. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture Award?


The demand for biomedical engineering is projected to grow only this much in the next 10 years.

What is 6%?