Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4- Part 1
Week 4- Part 2

The primary structure of a protein is determined by?
a) Peptide bonds
b) Hydrogen bonds
c) Covalent bonds
d) James Bond

The primary structure of a protein is determined by?
a) Peptide bonds
c) Covalent bonds


Which of the following is/are true about DNA and RNA? Select all correct answers.

a) They have different sugars in their structure. DNA has deoxyribose and RNA has ribose.

b) They have different sugars in their structure. DNA has ribose and RNA has deoxyribose.

c) They both have the same bases 

d) RNA has the bases: U,A,C, & G. DNA has the bases T,A,C & G.

a) They have different sugars in their structure. DNA has deoxyribose and RNA has ribose.

d) RNA has the bases: U,A,C, & G. DNA has the bases T,A,C & G.

Note: DNA and RNA are very similar in structure. The two main differences are in the sugar backbone (RNA = ribose, DNA = deoxyribose) and in one of their bases (DNA has thymine, RNA has uracil)


The human body is organized from most simple to most complex as: 

a) cells 🡪 tissues 🡪 organs 🡪 organ systems

b) organs 🡪 cells 🡪 organ systems 🡪 tissues

c) organ systems 🡪 tissues 🡪 organs 🡪 cells

d) tissues 🡪 organ systems 🡪 cells 🡪 organs

cells 🡪 tissues 🡪 organs 🡪 organ systems 


After eating a large meal, you would expect to secrete:

a) glucagon 

b) insulin 

c) glycogen 

d) melatonin

b) insulin 


Which type of bone shape most commonly functions as levers that can move when muscles contract? 

Long bone


Which of the following is (are) true of the plasma membrane?
a) Proteins may span the lipid bilayer, so long as the portions in contact with the fatty acid tails have charged R groups
b) Non-polar molecules may easily diffuse across the lipid bilayer, without requiring transmembrane protein channels.
c) The lipid bilayer of the cell membrane forms a selectively permeable barrier between the aqueous environment outside the cell and the aqueous environment inside the cell.

Which of the following is (are) true of the plasma membrane?
b) Non-polar molecules may easily diffuse across the lipid bilayer, without requiring transmembrane protein channels.
c) The lipid bilayer of the cell membrane forms a selectively permeable barrier between the aqueous environment outside the cell and the aqueous environment inside the cell.


DNA is always read [1], RNA is synthesized [2], and ribosomes read mRNA [3].

1. 3' to 5'

2. 5' to 3'

3. 5' to 3'


A mutated base that codes for a different amino acid is called a _____ mutation.



A patient had an accident resulting in a broken bone and a torn muscle and tendon. Which of these injuries will have the best regeneration and why?

Broken bone


True or False. 

-During development, the epiphyseal plate sits between epiphysis and diaphysis and contains

dividing chondrocytes.

-At birth, hyaline cartilage is no longer present in bone.

True or False. Please circle your answer.

True- During development, the epiphyseal plate sits between epiphysis and diaphysis and contains

dividing chondrocytes.

False- At birth, hyaline cartilage is no longer present in bone.


An amphipathic molecule has both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts. Phospholipids are amphipathic molecules that are important components of biological membranes and are made of two fatty acid tails and a charged head group.  If a bunch of phospholipid molecules were placed in a bucket of olive oil, you would expect them to arrange themselves in a circle with their fatty acid tails [1] and their head groups [2].

1. on the outside of the circle facing the oil

2. on the inside of the circle facing each other

  1. What RNA sequence would be transcribed from the following DNA sequence? 5'-AACGTGTC-3’


Original 5'-AACGTGTC-3’

Note: remember which direction DNA is read? 3' to 5'


Integrins are examples of _______ proteins that connect epithelial cells to ________ in ________. 

Integrins are examples of transmembrane proteins proteins that connect epithelial cells to basal lamina in hemidesmosomes.


While in a chemistry lab, you spill concentrated hydrofluoric acid on your arm. You rinse off the acid and notice that you do not feel any pain but there is a deep burn but you cannot see muscle or bone. You would most likely be diagnosed with: 

Third degree burn


Explain the bone cells function.

  1. Osteogenic → ?

  2. Osteoblast → ?

  3. Osteoclast → ?

  4. Osteocyte → ?

  1. Osteogenic → stem cells that become osteoblasts

  2. Osteoblast → secrete hydroxyapatite and collagen to form the matrix

  3. Osteoclast → secretes hydrogen ions to break down the matrix

  4. Osteocyte → cells trapped in the calcified matrix


In 2007, Jennifer Strange died from water intoxication after drinking 2 gallons of water in 4 hours as part of a radio contest. Symptoms of water intoxication include headache, blurred vision, muscle weakness, and vomiting. Drinking too much water can kill you because your blood becomes [1] and your cells [2]. 

1. Hypotonic

2. swell and explode


To initiate transcription, [1] binds to a [2] which binds to a sequence in the DNA known as a [3].

1. Transcription factor

2. RNA polymerase

3. Promoter


Compare/contrast tight junctions, desmosomes, & gap junctions and their functions.

  • Tight junctions: function to regulate pathways between epithelial cells. Proteins of tight junctions: occludins, claudins, JAM proteins
  • Desmosomes: anchor cells to one another
  • Gap junctions: provides cytoplasmic continuity. An influx of Ca+ into a cell can act as a signal for gap junctions to close. 6 connexins make up one connexon to make a gap junction.

Describe each skin cancer type to their visual characteristic.

  1. Melanoma → ?

  2. basal cell carcinoma → ?

  3. squamous cell carcinoma → ?

  1. Melanoma → pigmented and irregular borders

  2. basal cell carcinoma → does not affect top layer of skin, regular borders

  3. squamous cell carcinoma → thick, rough, scaly, or open sores


A heart attack occurs when cardiac muscle does not get enough oxygen and can cause injury to the tissue. Recovery from a heart attack would most likely be [1] repair with [2]. 

1. Fibrotic 

2. Scar tissue


A patient is given D10 IV fluids. After metabolizing all of the added dextrose (D-glucose) to produce ATP, what would you expect to happen to each of the following?

-Cellular hydration

-Blood volume/pressure

-Respiratory Quotient

-Cellular hydration: increase; The lower concentration of dextrose in the blood will also lessen the osmotic pressure pulling water into the blood. As a result, water will leave the blood and enter the cells. 

-Blood volume/pressure: decrease; The lower concentration of dextrose in the blood will also lessen the osmotic pressure pulling water into the blood. As a result, water will leave the blood, decreasing blood volume and blood pressure.  

-Respiratory Quotient: decrease; The patient's metabolism will switch from glycolysis to beta-oxidation of fatty acids once glucose or dextrose is no longer available. Beta-oxidation requires more O2 per COproduced, so RQ=CO2/O2 will decrease. 


A mutation in the MC1R gene limits the ability of some redheads to convert pheomelanin to eumelanin, so these individuals are unable to tan and have red hair. Changing an arginine to a cysteine in the MCR1 receptor protein causes the redhead mutation. The mRNA codons for arginine are CGU and CGC, and the mRNA codons for cysteine are UGU and UGC. What is the base change in the DNA that causes the mutation? 


Arg --> Cys



C --> U mutation in mRNA 

DNA Mutation must be A (reverse transcribe to DNA to solve)


The blood-brain barrier prevents the movement of hydrophilic molecules from the blood into the brain. Which of the following would be expected to be the most important for the formation and maintenance of the blood-brain barrier?

a) gap junctions between the stratified epithelial cells in blood capillaries in the brain.

b) tight junctions between the simple squamous epithelial cells in blood capillaries in the brain.

c) adhering junctions between stratified epithelial cells in blood capillaries in the brain.

d) desmosomes between the stratified epithelial cells in blood capillaries in the brain.

e) tight junctions between stratified squamous epithelial cells in blood capillaries in the brain.

b) tight junctions between the simple squamous epithelial cells in blood capillaries in the brain.


Name the correct subtype of Epidermis Bullosa with the affected protein.

  1. epidermolysis bullosa → ?

  2. junctional epidermolysis bullosa → ?

  3. dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa → ?

Name the correct subtype of Epidermis Bullosa with the affected protein.

  1. epidermolysis bullosa → keratin

  2. junctional epidermolysis bullosa → hemidesmosomes

  3. dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa → anchoring fibrils


Fill in the blanks with the correct cell type:

The parathyroid gland senses a drop in blood calcium levels and releases a protein hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH). Parathyroid hormone travels through the bloodstream to bone, where it stimulates osteoblasts to release RANKL. RANKL turns ______________ into the bone-resorbing cells called __________________. These bone-resorbing cells secrete collagenase (to dissolve collagen fibers) and acid (to dissolve hydroxyapatite). Acid dissolves hydroxyapatite into calcium and phosphate ions. These calcium ions enter the bloodstream and raise blood calcium levels. When blood calcium levels are high, _______________ will release less RANKL.

The parathyroid gland senses a drop in blood calcium levels and releases a protein hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH). Parathyroid hormone travels through the bloodstream to bone, where it stimulates osteoblasts to release RANKL. RANKL turns immune cells (also accept: white blood cells, monocytes, pre-osteoclasts) into the bone-resorbing cells called osteoclasts. These bone-resorbing cells secrete collagenase (to dissolve collagen fibers) and acid (to dissolve hydroxyapatite). Acid dissolves hydroxyapatite into calcium and phosphate ions. These calcium ions enter the bloodstream and raise blood calcium levels. When blood calcium levels are high, osteoblasts (also accept: osteocytes) will release less RANKL.